Climate Change II
Foresight For Development turns the spotlight on the future of climate change.
Featured in Bibliozone this month is a collection of publications related to the future of climate change. The selection of documents is partial and based on accessible material. Therefore, we would like to invite everyone to supplement our library with additional materials.
From our FFD library:
Here are the publications available in our library:
- 21 Issues for the 21st century: results of the UNEP foresight process on emerging environmental issues
- Act Now: Future Scenarios and the Case for Equitable Climate Action
- Africa and climate change: Projecting vulnerability and adaptive capacity
- African climate change: 1900–2100
- African Mountains in a Changing Climate: Trends, Impacts, and Adaptation Solutions
- African perspectives on climate change research
- Analysis of Compound Climate Extremes and Exposed Population in Africa Under Two Different Emission Scenarios
- An uncertainty approach to modelling climate change risk in South Africa
- A Practitioner’s Guide to Climate Model Scenarios
- Assessing the plausibility of climate futures
- Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
- Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change
- Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report
- Climate change and Adaptation in Central Africa: Past, Scenarios and Options for the Future
- Climate change adaptation scenarios
- Climate change and health research: current trends, gaps and perspectives for the future
- Climate change and public policy futures
- Climate Change and Water Resources in Southern Africa: Studies on Scenarios, Impacts, Vulnerabilities and Adaptation
- Climate Change Futures: Health, Ecological and Economic Dimensions
- Climate-change impacts, adaptation challenges and costs for Africa
- Climate Change Impacts on Africa’s Economic Growth
- Climate change impact on Sub-Saharan Africa: An overview and analysis of scenarios and models
- Climate Change in Southern Africa
- Climate Change Projections for Tanzania Based on High-Resolution Regional Climate Models From the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)-Africa
- Climate change scenarios and the development of adaptation strategies in Africa: challenges and opportunities
- Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin
- Climate change scenario services: From science to facilitating action
- Climate Change Scenarios using PRECIS
- Climate Change Strategy 2020-2030
- Climate Change Understanding scenarios, RCPs and ppm
- Climate Endgame: Exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios
- Climate Fiction, Climate Theory: Decolonising Imaginations of Global Futures
- Climate Future: Averting and Adapting to Climate Change
- Climate impacts in southern Africa during the 21st Century
- Climate Risk Country Profiles
- Climate Scenario Analysis: Current Practice and Disclosure Trends
- Climate Scenario Development
- Climate scenarios: what we need to know and how to generate them
- Climatic Future for Durban - Final Revised Report
- Collective foresight and intelligence for sustainability
- Combined impacts of future climate-driven vegetation changes and socioeconomic pressures on protected areas in Africa
- Considering Multiple Futures: Scenario Planning to Address Uncertainty in Natural Resource Conservation
- Current Climate Change and the Future of Life on the Planet
- Current situation and plausible future scenarios for livestock management systems under climate change in Africa
- Divergent, plausible, and relevant climate futures for near- and long-term resource planning
- Downscaling future climate scenarios to fine scales for hydrologic and ecological modeling and analysis
- Draft Africa Climate Change Strategy 2020-2030
- Durban Climate Change Strategy 2022
- Editorial: Future Climate Scenarios: Regional Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
- Energy and Climate Scenarios: Evaluation and guidance
- Enhancing the Climate Resilience of Africa’s Infrastructure: The Power and Water Sectors
- Essential, expensive and evolving: The outlook for carbon credits and offsets
- Exploring Climate Framework Laws and The Future of Climate Action
- Exploring future changes in land use and land condition and the impacts on food, water, climate change and biodiversity
- Financing Climate Futures: Rethinking Infrastructure
- Food Security, Climate Variability and Climate Change in Sub Saharan West Africa
- Food security, farming, and climate change to 2050: Scenarios, results, policy options
- Forecasting the Potential Effects of Climate Change on Malaria in the Lake Victoria Basin Using Regionalized Climate Projections
- Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent 2020-2030
- Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2023
- Foresight for Future Planning Training Series: Toolkit
- Future Climate Change Hotspots Under Different 21st Century Warming Scenarios
- Future climate change in the Agulhas system and its associated impact on South African rainfall
- Future climate change over Southern Africa
- Future Climate for Africa
- Future climate in world regions: an intercomparison of model-based projections for the new IPCC emissions scenarios
- Future Climate Projections in Africa: Where Are We Headed?
- Future Climate Scenarios: Regional Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
- Future Global Climate: Scenario-based Projections and Near-term Information
- Future of the human climate niche
- G20 Climate Risk Atlas: Impacts, policy, economics
- Global Environment Outlook 4
- Global Environment Outlook 5: Environment for the future we want
- Global Foresight 2022
- Global Foresight 2050: Six global scenarios and implications for the forest sector
- Global Resources Outlook 2019: Natural Resources for the Future We Want
- Global Warming – Impacts and Future Perspective
- Global Warming Status in the African Continent: Sources, Challenges, Policies, and Future Direction
- Green Book – Detailed Projections of Future Climate Change Over South Africa
- Green Economy Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Development
- Guidebook - Addressing Climate Change Challenges in Africa: A Practical Guide towards Sustainable Development
- Guide to climate scenario analysis for central banks and supervisors
- Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023
- Heatwaves in the Future Warmer Climate of South Africa
- Hello from the Year 2050. We Avoided the Worst of Climate Change — But Everything Is Different
- Historic and future climatic change in Zimbabwe
- How Climate Scenarios Lost Touch with Reality
- How to understand climate change scenarios
- Hydrological Modelling and Climate Adaptation under Changing Climate: A Review with a Focus in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Southern Africa: A Review
- Improving future climate prediction using palaeoclimate data
- Introduction to climate dynamics and climate modelling
- Linking regional stakeholder scenarios and shared socioeconomic pathways: Quantified West African food and climate futures in a global context
- Long Term Adaptation Scenarios for South Africa
- Long-term Climate Change: Projections, Commitments and Irreversibility
- mCDR Foresight Scenarios: Policy Frameworks for Marine Carbon-Dioxide Removal in 2040
- Migration and Global Environmental Change: Future Challenges and Opportunities
- Mission Area: Adaptation to Climate Change, Including Societal Transformation
- Net Zero by 2050 - A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector
- Net zero society scenarios and pathways foresight report
- North Africa: The Impact of Climate Change to 2030 (Selected Countries)
- Past and future climate change in the context of memorable seasonal extremes
- Past, Present and Future Climate Trends Under Varied Representative Concentration Pathways for a Sub-Humid Region in Uganda
- Pattern scaled climate change scenarios: are these useful for adaptation?
- Plants and climate change: which future?
- Projected expansion of hottest climate zones over Africa during the mid and late 21st century
- Projecting Future Climate Change Scenarios Using Three Bias-Correction Methods
- Projections of Future Climate Change
- Projections of future climate change
- Projections of rapidly rising surface temperatures over Africa under low mitigation
- Quantitative risk assessment of the effects of climate change on selected causes of death, 2030s and 2050s
- Regional scenarios of future climate change over southern Africa
- SADC Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan
- Scenario Development and Foresight Analysis: Exploring Options to Inform Choices
- SDC Climate change foresight analysis: Global and regional risks and hotspots
- SmartAgri: Updated Climate Change Trends and Projections for the Western Cape
- South Africa’s Future Climate: Trends and Projections: Contemporary Changes and New Directions
- State and Trends in Adaptation Report 2022: Adaptation at the core of a prosperous Africa in an uncertain and warming world
- State of the Climate in Africa 2019
- State of the Climate in Africa 2020
- State of the Climate in Africa 2021
- State of the Global Climate 2021
- The African Union's first climate strategy
- The Climate Change Challenge and Barriers to the Exercise of Foresight Intelligence
- The Development of Regional Climate Change Scenarios for SubSaharan Africa
- The Economic Cost of Climate Change in Africa
- The Economics of Climate Change
- The Emperor’s New Climate Scenarios: Limitations and assumptions of commonly used climate-change scenarios in financial services
- The Future Impacts of Climate Change
- The Future of Climate Action: From Systems Change to Behavior Change
- The future of work in a changing natural environment: Climate change, degradation and sustainability
- The Futures of Climate Responses, 2040
- The Global Risks Report 2023
- The Next Generation of Scenarios for Climate Change Research and Assessment
- The Use of Foresight and Scenario Planning in Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Planning
- Towards a climate-resilient future together: A toolbox with participatory foresight methods, tools and examples from climate and food governance
- Trends and Implications of Climate Change for National and International Security
- Using hindsight and foresight: Enhancing the insurance industry’s assessment of climate change futures
- Using Scenarios to Explore Climate Change: A Handbook for Practitioners
- WeShareIt Game: Strategic Foresight for Climate-change Induced Disaster Risk Reduction
- What Are Scenarios Telling Us About Developing Climate-Resilient Pathways in the Southern African Region?
- What are the future climate scenarios in North and West Africa?
- What Future for Climate and Trade? Scenarios and Strategies for Carbon Competitiveness
- Why and how to use foresight tools to manage climate security risks
Also see: Climate Change Bibliophile
Also see: Climate Action Bibliophile
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