Migrants Bibliozone
“I think there is a significant number who, if the conditions were ripe in their places of origin, would return home."
Gwendoline Mensah - Head of UNHCR in Mogadishu
Featured in Bibliozone this month is a collection of publications related to the future of Migrants, Migration, Climate / Environmental Migrants, Forced Migration and Refugees. The selection of documents is partial and based on accessible material. Therefore, we would like to invite everyone to supplement our library with additional materials.
From our FFD library:
Here are the publications available in our library:
Migrants / Migration
- African Migration
- African Migration: Drivers of Migration in Africa
- African migration: trends, patterns, drivers
- African Migrations: Innovative Methods and Methodologies
- A Vision of Africa's Future
- Baseline data on poverty, refugees and ICTs in Eastern Africa
- Chinese Migration in Africa
- Comparative Report: African Migration Trends
- Contract Migration to South Africa: Past, Present and Future
- Economic Development in Africa Report 2018: Migration for Structural Transformation
- Exploring the Future of Migration in North Africa
- Global Migration Futures Using scenarios to explore future migration in the Horn of Africa & Yemen
- Labor Migration From North Africa: Development Impact, Challenges, and Policy Options
- Leveraging Migration for Africa: Remittances, Skills, and Investments
- Making Migration a Development Factor: The Case of North and West Africa
- Many more to come? Migration from and within Africa
- Mapping West Africa's Migration and Land-Management Crisis
- Migration And Population Trends In Gauteng Provice 1996-2055
- Migration from the Maghreb and migration pressures: current situation and future prospects
- Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe: Past Developments, Current Status and Future Potentials
- Migration in Burundi: History, Current Trends and Future Prospects
- Migration in Ethiopia: History, Current Trends and Future Prospects
- Migration in Morocco: History, Current Trends and Future Prospects
- Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Migration Patterns, Trends and Policy Issues in Africa
- Migration Policy, African Population Growth and Global Inequality
- Morocco’s migration transition: Trends, determinants and future scenarios
- New Patterns of Migration in West Africa
- North Africa and Europe: patterns, drivers and future scenarios of migration
- Policy Analysis Report: Mapping Migration in Uganda
- Recent trends in international migration in and from Africa
- Scenarios for Immigrants, Migrants, and Refugees in South Africa
- Shaping the Future: A Long-Term Perspective of People and Job Mobility for the Middle East and North Africa
- The APRM and Migration Trends in Africa
- The Future of International Migration to OECD Countries Regional Note North Africa
- The Future of International Migration to OECD Countries Regional Note West Africa
- The Future of Mobility and Migration within and from Sub-Saharan Africa
- The Migration Policy Framework for Africa
- The socio-economic and regional context of West African migrations
- Trans-Saharan Migration to North Africa and the EU: Historical Roots and Current Trends
- Using scenarios to explore future migration in the Horn of Africa and Yemen
- Views on Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Zimbabwean migration into Southern Africa: new trends and response
- Anticipating Future Migration into Europe (2018-2050): Beyond the irresponsibility of current political and humanitarian short-termism
- Demography and Migration: An Outlook for the 21st Century
- Drop into the future: Migration 2030
- Emerging Demographic Patterns across the Mediterranean and their Implications for Migration through 2030
- Exploring Future International Migration: A Scenario Approach - Presentation
- Global Migration Futures: A conceptual and methodological framework for research and analysis
- Global migration futures: Exploring the future of international migration with a scenario methodology
- International Migration by 2030: Impact of immigration policies scenarios on growth and employment
- International Migration Outlook 2012
- International Migration Outlook 2013
- International migration, remittances and rural development
- International Migration Report 2015International Migration Report 2017
- International Migration Outlook 2018
- Migration and Climate Change
- Migration and Global Environmental Change: Future Challenges and Opportunities
- Migration and population change - drivers and impacts
- Migration in the Long Term: The Outlook for the Next Generations
- Notes on Migration and Development in the Global South: Emerging issues and responses
- Population Distribution, Urbanization, Internal Migration and Development: An International Perspective
- The concept and theory of migration scenarios
- "The Era of Migration - the next 25 years" by Lukas Gehrke and Martijn Pluim
- The politics of future migration: hoaxes, nightmares and few certainties
- Tomorrow’s World of Migration and Mobility
- UNHCR Asylum Trends 2013
- UNHCR Global Report 2012
- UNHCR Global Report 2013
- UNHCR Global Trends 2013
- Why people move: understanding the drivers and trends of migration to Europe
- World Migration Report 2011
- World Migration Report 2013
- World Migration Report 2018
- Youth and the 21st Century South-North Migration: In Search of a More Relevant Perspective on Causes, Trend and Flow
Climate Change / Environmental Migrants
- Climate change and forced migration: Observations, projections and implications
- Climate Change, Migration, and Conflict: Addressing complex crisis scenarios in the 21st Century
- Forced Migration Review: Climate change and displacement
- Linking the Earth's Future to Migration: Scenarios of environmental change and possible impacts on forced migration
- Measuring the Environmental Dimensions of Human Migration: The Demographer’s Toolkit
- Migration and Climate Change
- Migration and Global Environmental Change Future Challenges and Opportunities - Final Report
- Migration and Global Environmental Change: Future Challenges and Opportunities
Forced Migration
- Baseline Survey on Gender & Long-Term Forced Migration
- Climate change and forced migration: Observations, projections and implications
- Forced migration – changing trends, new responses
- Forced Migration in an Era of Global Financial Crisis - What Will Happen to Refugees?
- Forced Migration Research and Policy Overview of current trends and future directions
- Forced Migration Review: Climate change and displacement
- Refugees and the Biometric Future: The Impact of Biometrics on Refugees and Asylum Seekers
- Time Series Analysis Model for the Rate of Influx of Refugees in Kenya
- State of the World’s Refugees 2012
Bibliozone Archive
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- Migrants
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- Cities
- Kenya