Pan-Africanism Bibliozone
“The day will come when History will speak... Africa will write its own history… It will be a history of glory and dignity."
Patrice Émery Lumumba - was a Congolese independence leader and the first democratically elected Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo.
Foresight For Development turns the spotlight on Pan-Africanism futures.
Featured in Bibliozone this month is a collection of publications related to Pan-Africanism, African Futures, African Union and Regional Integration. The selection of documents is partial and based on accessible material. Therefore, we would like to invite everyone to supplement our library with additional materials.
From our FFD library:
Here are the publications available in our library:
- An Assessment of the Plausibility of Pan-Africanism From Various Perspectives
- Kwame Nkrumah's Contribution to Pan-Africanism: An Afrocentric Analysis
- Looking back into the future: Civil Rights and Pan-Africanism in a “marginalised” world
- Moving from early Pan-Africanism towards an African Renaissance
- Pan-Africanism/African Nationalism
- Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance
- Pan Africanism and Global Transformations: the past, present and future of an idea
- Pan-Africanism of the 21st Century – Challenges and Prospects
- Towards Agenda 2063: A Pan-African Renaissance in the Next 50 Years?
African Futures
- 2014 African Transformation Report: Growth with Depth
- Africa 2050 - Attaining the 2050 Vision for Africa: Breaking the Human Capital Barrier
- Africa 2060: Good News from Africa
- Africa Ahead: The Next 50 Years
- African Futures 2050: The next forty years
- Africa in 2020: Three Scenarios For The Future
- Africa 2025 - the lion chronicles
- Africa in 2050: Adopt to global changes quickly or perish
- Africa in 50 Years’ Time: The Road Towards Inclusive Growth
- Africa in the New World: How Global and Domestic Developments will Impact by 2025
- Africa must unite with a big-bang even if the heavens fall: A Call to the Summit in ACCRA!!
- African Voices - African Visions
- Agenda 2063: an e-mail from the future
- Agenda 2063 Draft Framework
- Africa 2063 Scenarios figures
- Agenda 2063 The Future We Want for Africa Zero Draft Document
- At the Center of Africa’s Transformation: Strategy for 2013–2022
- Beyond 2020: Crisis Drivers in West Africa’s Future
- Crafting Africa's Futures: National Long Term Perspective Studies
- Cultural Identity and the Future of Africa
- Development Challenges in Africa Towards 2050
- Flipping the script on Africa’s Future
- Globalization and the future of African culture
- Southern Africa 2020 vision - Public Policy Priorities for the Next Decade
- Vision 2050 – A South African perspective
- Vision 2050 SADC ponders future
African Union
- African Union Agenda 2063: A Shared Strategic Framework for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development - Backround Note
- State of Africa and the African Union Agenda 2063
- The African Union Strategy for the Sahel Region
- The Future of the AU: Fifty Years of the Organization of African Unity-African Union
- The Regional Dimension to the United States of Africa ‘Grand Debate’
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