Input requested - Rapidly arriving futures: Future readiness for Industry 4.0
Input requested - Rapidly arriving futures: Future readiness for Industry 4.0
Technoscene is busy with research on rapidly arriving futures. In this case, they are looking at Industry 4.0, a future that has arrived faster than most people anticipated. How do we know we are ready for it? Tools are available to anticipate the future, approximate it, estimate it and select a preferred future, but do we know how to make disruptive futures part of our business and lives? Building on Technology Readiness Levels and Manufacturing Readiness Levels, we are developing Future Readiness Levels and a Future Readiness Index. The Future Readiness Levels (FRL) are based on readiness at the technology, behaviour, event and future thinking capability levels. A Future Readiness Index (FRI) could then be determined based on the entire future thinking space (technology, behaviour, events). Once the FRL and FRI are known, it will become clear what strategic interventions are required to thrive in this future. The existing and desired situation in future readiness should be compared and the gaps addressed. This approach provides a tool for internal monitoring and evaluation of the state of the organisation to remain sustainable and competitive in a future that has arrived, to do competitive benchmarking among organisations in a similar cluster, benchmarking at industry level, as well as having a potential for measuring the future readiness of nations.
We will appreciate your input into this thinking by responding to a short web-based questionnaire (it should take about 15 minutes). You can find the electronic questionnaire at:
Your input is anonymous and your privacy is guaranteed. Please respond by Monday 4 June 2018, to enable us to work the research into a conference paper.