Understanding Cyber Criminals and Measuring Their Future Activity
Organisation: Lancaster University
Publish Date: 2013
Country: Global
Sector: Technology
Method: Workshop
Theme: Crime
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Crime, Cybercrime, Cyber criminals, Cybercrime technologies, Cybercrime data, Data collection
This report draws upon the discussions held in the workshop on defining a cybercrime and understanding the role by which the use of technology enables the criminal. We propose a classification assessment to differentiate between the two fundamental categories of cybercrime: computer enabled and computer dependent crime. We move on to explore the current state of information held, offering a data source taxonomy to facilitate the understanding of these datasets and identify the prominent features to aid data selection. During the workshop it was identified that in order to move forward in our research on cybercrime, an effort to standardise data must come into effect. The theoretical suggestions raised in this area are discussed along with how the information can facilitate research. Furthermore we detail the key points of contact at which valuable data can be collected along with current and advanced mechanisms by which information could be obtained. Following the accumulation of data and its increased quality heightened research can begin. We therefore converse proposed research on both cybercriminals and their victims.
Located in: Resources