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Labor force participation: 75 years of change, 1950–98 and 1998–2025
Women’s labour force participation rates have increased significantly over the past 50 years, narrowing the gap between rates for women and men; however, ageing will play a dominate role in the rates

Author: Howard N Fullerton, Jr.
Organisation: Monthly Labor Review
Publish Date: 1999
Land and Climate Change Finance in Central Africa
This working paper has been elaborated in the context of the support programme of the Global Mechanism of the United Nation’s Convention to Combat Desertification (GM/CCD) to member countries of the

Author: Eco Securities and UNCCD
Organisation: Global Mechanism of UNCCD
Publish Date: 2009
Land Degradation in the Developing World: Issues and Policy Option
Land Degradation in the Developing World: Issues and Policy Option

Author: Sara J. Scherr and Satya Yadav
Organisation: International Food Policy Research Institute
Publish Date: 1997
Land Reform Futures: Four scenarios for land reform in South Africa
Land Reform Futures: Four scenarios for land reform in South Africa contains four scenarios about what could happen in the context of land reform in South Africa by 2030. These are not predictions of

Author: Vumelana Advisory Fund
Organisation: Vumelana Advisory Fund
Publish Date: 2016
Land-use modelling to support strategic urban planning - the case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
At the beginning of the 21st century humanity entered the ‘century of cities’ (Kofi Annan) with the majority of the global population living in urban areas. Global urbanisation is one of the most fun

Author: Alexandra Hill, Christian Lindner
Organisation: Alexandra Hill, Christian Lindner
Publish Date: 2010
Landscape Analysis of mHealth in the Global South - Mobile Technology
This report looks at the issues that mHealth solutions providers and supporting organizations will need to address in order to make mHealth that powerful weapon against disease and illness.
Author: Vital Wave Consulting
Organisation: Vodaphone Group Foundation & United Nations Foundation
Publish Date: 2008
Language Death versus Language Survival: A Global Perspective
Attempts to approach the topic of language development, its rise or demise, from more general viewpoints. Drawing on the research results of such interdisciplinary fields of study as, for instance, s

Author: Miroslav Černý
Organisation: University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Publish Date: 2010
Law Scenarios to 2030
The Law Scenarios to 2030 are designed to make your justice challenges more specific, more explicit and place them in a more systemic context. They can be used to help to come to coherent justice str

Author: Law of the Future Joint Action Programme
Organisation: Law of the Future Joint Action Programme
Publish Date: 2012
Leadership Dialogue Series Vol 3, No 2: Building Higher Education Scenarios 2025: A Strategic Agenda for Development in SADC
This publication is an outcome of a strategic conversation about the future of higher education in the region that took place at a Leadership Dialogue hosted by The Southern African Regional Universi

Author: SARUA
Organisation: SARUA
Publish Date: 2012
Libya – Building the Future with Youth: Challenges for Education and Employability
Libya is one of a number of Arab countries – from the Gulf to North Africa – that needs to invest massively in educational reforms. Essentially this will involve changing curricular content, as there

Author: Prof. Dr. Gerald Braun, Dr. Adele M.E. Jones
Organisation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Publish Date: 2013
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