Rainbow at risk: improving South Africa's prospects
South Africa needs to build an inclusive economy where broad-based economic growth creates productive jobs for the unemployed; increases productivity and earnings for the employed; and leads to susta
Organisation: Institute for Security Studies (ISS)
Publish Date: June 2016
Rapid Urbanisation and food security
Between 2007 and 2050 the world population is projected to increase from6.7 to 9 billion and most of this growth will occur in urban areas of less developed areas(UN2008).Urbanisation perse is often
Organisation: FAO
Publish Date: 2009
Ready, set,change Upcoming transformations
Preparing for the future of automotive finance.As the economy begins its slow recovery, automotive financecompanies now face a new business landscape. To help navigate this challenging and sometimes
Organisation: Price waterhouse coopers
Publish Date: 2010
Real Estate Investment Management 2020 and Beyond
What is the future of real estate investment management business?In the long-term, the value of commercial real estate should be tied to the underlying demand,which, in turn, will ultimately be drive
Publish Date: JUNE 2009
Realising the Potential of Africa’s Youth · Report of the Africa Commission
Africa’s recent progress is being threatened.The need to address Africa’s challenges and opportunities for promoting growth, job creation and poverty reduction has never been more urgent The global e
Organisation: Africa Commission
Publish Date: May 2009
Rebuilding an economy: Modelling Zimbabwe’s Mining Sector with Scenario Planning
This project aims to create a set of strategies for Zimbabwe’s mining sector using the scenario planning technique. Different scenarios of the mining sector’s future will be developed; a strategy wil
Organisation: University of Pretoria
Publish Date: 2009
Recent trends in international migration in and from Africa
This paper outlines the complex of interrelated factorsassociated with migratory movements within and from Africa.Spatial mobility is a fundamental social and historical aspect ofAfrican life,but wha
Organisation: Human Resources Development Centre
Publish Date: Unknown
Reducing West Africa's Vulnerability to Climate Impacts on Water Resources, Wetlands and Desertification
West Africa is the most vulnerable regions to climate chnage worldwide. The often distraous impact of climate variability and the extreme events over the past 30years is a striking illustration
Organisation: IUCB Regional Office for West Africa
Publish Date: 2004
Refreshing Africa's future: prospects for achieving universal WASH access by 2030
Access to water, sanitation and hygiene is indispensable to development, but what will it take for Africa to achieve universal access in 15 years? This paper uses the International Futures forecastin
Organisation: Institute for Security Studies (ISS)
Publish Date: June 2016
Regenerative Cities
At the start of the 21st century, humanity is becoming a predominantly urban species and this historic development<br />
represents a fundamental, systemic change in the relationship between humans
Organisation: World Future Council
Publish Date: 2006/7