Scenarios of sustainable well-being
Organisation: Design Philosophy Papers, Milan
Publish Date: 2003
Country: Global
Sector: Social Development
Method: Scenarios
Theme: Sustainability
Type: Conference paper
Language: English
Tags: Sustainable solutions, Well-being, Sustainable living, Intangible needs, Regenerative solutions, Global visions
Considers the potentiality of the use of scenarios and, specifically, the design-orienting scenarios (DOS) in the process of conception and development of sustainable solutions. In its first part, it introduces the concept of scenario (Ideas of well-being and scenario building: a social role for designers), discussing its specific meaning when designers are concerned, the design-orienting scenarios, and the role of this specific family of scenarios in the implementation of complex innovative processes. The second part of the paper (Visions of the present, and beyond: from unsustainable to sustainable ideas of well-being), presents the traditional and emerging ideas of well-being, their unsustainability, the rebound effect and a model to interpret why the ongoing efforts to reduce the overall consumption are not getting positive results. On this basis, a vision of possible sustainable well-being is outlined. The third part of the paper (Sustainable ways of living: scenarios of everyday life in Europe and in China, research results), presents the results of two series of design workshops on scenarios for “sustainable ways of living”, that have been recently held in Europe and in China.
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