Case Study: Use of Scenarios to Understand the Daily Activities of Senior Citizens interacting with Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Organisation: California State University
Publish Date: May 2012
Country: Global
Sector: Technology
Method: Scenarios
Theme: ICT
Type: Case Study
Language: English
Tags: Senior Citizens, Mobile Computing, Ubiquitous Computing, Design Scenarios, Mobile
Aging populations are a phenomenon that industrialized nations have had to start addressing in recent decades. To understand the needs of an aging population, designers, architects and city planners must work together to accommodate and integrate a rapidly growing senior population. Rather than creating additional special infrastructure like nursing homes or geriatric centers, the focus of this case study will be on how to extend the independence and quality of life of seniors through the application of mobile and ubiquitous computing. This case study presents the application of design scenarios by a group of industrial design students to explore and understand the daily activities of senior citizens and how the application of mobile and ubiquitous computing can significantly improve their self-reliance.
The case study will present student examples in poster format that explore the different situations that senior citizens face in their daily lives. The posters will address the issues of independent living, health, and interaction with the local community. Finally, this case study will explain the relevance of using design scenarios in the classroom as a tool to present ideas in a simple manner that is easy to understand for designers and non-designers as well.
Case Study - Use of Scenarios to Understand the Daily Activities of Senior Citizens interacting with Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing..doc
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