Payments 2020: Scenarios for dynamic evolution
Organisation: McKinsey & Company
Publish Date: March 2011
Country: Global
Sector: Technology
Method: Scenarios
Theme: ICT
Type: Presentation
Language: English
Tags: Payments, M-Payment, Mobile payment, online payment, prepaid card payment, Scenarios
A series of shocks have launched the global payments industry into a transition that promises to redefine parts of the value chain for years to come. In advanced economies, the financial crisis has dramatically altered the traditional bank-led payments landscape, as some players exit the business and new regulation changes the rules of the game. In emerging markets, rapidly evolving payments players are leapfrogging into new systems. In both markets, new technologies are redrawing the way consumers behave and opening the door to new competitors. Over the next 10 years, several possible scenarios could set the stage for emerging payments – innovative mechanisms like online, mobile and prepaid card payments – to redefine the payments landscape across markets and within niche areas.
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