energy solutions for South Africa Ensuring public participation and improved accountability in policy processes
Organisation: Institute for Security Studies
Publish Date: March 2011
Country: Africa
Sector: Environment
Method: Environmental scanning
Theme: Sustainability
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Sustainability, Energy, Renewable energy, South Africa
The Institute for Security Studies’ Corruption and Governance Programme hosted the South African Civil Society Energy Caucus in Cape Town on 14 and 15 September 2010. The theme for the meeting was Sustainable energy solutions for South Africa: how can we ensure public participation and improved accountability in policy processes? The two-day meeting explored South Africa’s willingness and ability to deal with the serious governance challenges which lie ahead, with the aim of creating benchmarks for a sustainable and socially just future.
This report is a comprehensive summary of the presentations made and key discussions held at that meeting, based on recordings of the meeting. The opinions expressed are those of the presenters and not necessarily of the author of this report, the Institute of Security Studies, or the Energy Caucus.
Sustainable energy solutions for South Africa Ensuring public participation and improved accountability in policy processes.pdf
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