Watch Online - Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for Africa in 2021
Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. EST
Online: https://www.brookings.edu/events/foresight-africa-top-priorities-for-africa-in-2021/
Beyond the staggering tragedy that is the death and illness of thousands of people the world over, the COVID-19 pandemic has also brought unprecedented economic disorder, decimating economies and livelihoods of citizens in rich and poor nations alike. Although the virus was slow to arrive on Africa’s shores, the economic impacts of the disease were not, as the global economy halted and Africa’s growing, largely service-based economy was forcibly shut down to preempt the disease’s spread.
As the region looks to open back up, African and world leaders have had to balance the health and economic wellness of the region. Global momentum and progress toward vital human development goals cannot just be dropped or forgotten, but efforts to recover from the immediate twin crises must also be bolstered. Indeed, now we must take stock of the lessons learned and, more importantly, consider what we can do better.
In this way, this year’s Foresight Africa launch will examine the most pressing issues facing the region in 2021. This year’s panel will feature high-level global experts to discuss critical issues for the region’s recovery, including policies for economic recovery, ensuring successful economic integration, supporting African-owned businesses, preparing for the next pandemic, and recovering the ground lost on recent socioeconomic gains—all underscored by good governance.
The Africa Growth Initiative (AGI) at Brookings explores these trends and features diverse expert viewpoints in Foresight Africa, its annual flagship report.
On January 27, AGI will host its annual Foresight Africa launch featuring a high-level panel of leading experts to offer insights on regional trends along with recommendations for the global community, national governments, regional organizations, multilateral institutions, the private sector, and civil society actors as they forge ahead in 2021.
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