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#SaveWater #CapeDrought Live Panel Presentation


#SaveWater #CapeDrought Live Panel Presentation  

ESI Africa is hosting a live free-to-attend webinar discussion on Thursday, 8 March 2018, addressing the current water situation in the City of Cape Town, South Africa and the available technologies, strategies and solutions, to overcome the challenge.

Africa Innovation Summit 2018


Africa Innovation Summit 2018
Coming up 06 - 08 June, 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda. Join the homegrown multi-stakeholder dialogue and activities towards identifying and unblocking path breaking ideas and disruptive solutions to be developed and scaled up in Africa. We are building a constituency to address the fundamental current and future challenges facing the continent.


Celebrate World Future Day 2018


Celebrate World Future Day 2018
March 1st is Future Day: Join the Global online 24-hour Round-the-World Conversation on the Future.
- Jerome Glenn, CEO, The Millennium Project


Third Africa Forum on STI

Third Africa Forum on STI: Building on Science, Technology and Innovation to Boost Private Sector and Socio-Economic transformation in Africa
February 10-12, 2018 in Cairo, Egypt

The third edition of the Africa Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation ("Africa STI Forum") will be held from February 10-12, 2018 in Cairo, Egypt. Co-organized by the African Development Bank and the Egyptian government, the event is also supported by the Republic of South Korea, Japan and other partners.

The fourth industrial revolution is now in motion, merging technologies and blurring the boundaries between physical, digital and biological spheres.

With this in mind, this third edition of the Africa STI Forum emphasizes the importance of research to foster innovation and exploitable goods and services, by focusing on the private sector in five areas: climate change, nutrition, water, ICT and pharmaceuticals - five selected areas as they offer tangible opportunities for economic transformation in Africa.

Objective: To achieve economic growth and enhance the competitiveness of the African private sector through the use of science, technology and innovation. This, by urging the countries of the continent to invest more in research, higher education and science, to build a knowledge economy and not to miss the train of the new industrial revolution on the move.

As a space for exchange and promotion of knowledge, the STI Forum allows a wide dissemination of the latest knowledge and technologies, best practices both at regional and global level, besides promoting entrepreneurship in higher education as well as in science and technology. African political leaders and other decision-makers - current and future - have the opportunity to draw together a common roadmap for scaling up science, technology and innovation for the African continent.

Register here - https://surveys.afdb.org/opinio/s?s=STIForum2018


UPDATE: State of the Future version 19.0


UPDATE: State of the Future version 19.0

The updated State of the Future 19.1 (print and downloadable) can be ordered at:

The difference between version 19.0 and 19.1 is the addition of infographics

Download infographics separately at:

Governing the rise of Artificial Intelligence


Governing the rise of Artificial Intelligence
A Global Civic Debate
From September 7th, 2017 to March 31st, 2018

Re-inventing Man & Machine Relationship
Rights, Ethics & Bias

Humans are increasingly fostering relationships and bonds with machines. The amount of time we spend and the way in which we interact with our smartphones is becoming a vital part of our life. As AI changes the way we perceive our relationship with machines, can this bond pioneer paths to greater human empowerment?

In an era when we rely increasingly upon intelligent albeit “black boxed” machines to perform tasks previously performed by humans, how can we embed ethical design and operation principle in the development of AI systems?

Cognitive Sciences have demonstrated that all humans are affected by cognitive biases. So, when black-box algorithms make predictive assessments based on human datasets, the results can dangerously amplify existing biases. How do we create a bias-free or correcting AI system?

Join the debate and share your thoughts! #AIforGood



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