Environment Future Frames
A new feature on FFD.org. A future captured by an image. Browse our first ever Future Frames gallery. Future possibilities are revealed -- without saying a word.
Tomorrow, imagined
Farms, spiral and vertical. A world capital full of shanties (and it's not where you think it is). Houses you can eat. It's tomorrow, imagined.
Want to know more about these initiatives?
- Read more about Lilypad, a floating ecopolis.
- Discover the Plantagon.
- An edible house? Does it come with fries?
- Johannesburg of the future. Learn about the future of urban transportation in selected cities around the world.
- Out of this world in Burkina Faso. Unbelievable design for the Tena Tower development in Ouagadougou.
- Vertical farms. A solution for a populous urban world? Find out more.
- Forget diesel or petrol. Your future car may run on viruses. MIT's Professor Angela Belcher explains how.
- Funerals of the future. Why it is much colder in the afterlife than you may think. Learn about organic burials.
- Sahara's a desert? Not according to the Sahara Forest Project.
- Silk, an ancient resource, is the fabric of the future. And it's what your future, smart implants will be made from. Just ask Fiorenzo Omenetto.
Just added
- Climate refugees at the gates of Buckingham Palace. Rice paddies in central London. Postcards From The Future offers images of a future London. Find out more.
- We've seen the future and it's fenestrated! Airbus' futuristic concept cabin.
- Artificial trees. A carbon capture idea - with a big price tag.