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The CSIR is one of the leading scientific and technology research, development and implementation organisations in Africa. Constituted by an Act of Parliament in 1945 as a science council, the CSIR undertakes directed and multidisciplinary research, technological innovation as well as industrial and scientific development to improve the quality of life of the country’s people.

The CSIR is committed to supporting innovation in South Africa to improve national competitiveness in the global economy. Science and technology services and solutions are provided in support of various stakeholders, and opportunities are identified where new technologies can be further developed and exploited in the private and public sectors for commercial and social benefit.

The CSIR’s shareholder is the South African Parliament, held in proxy by the Minister of Science and Technology.

Architects Collective

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The Architects’ Collective advances the built environment through research, studies and skills development. They promote through culture to a wider audience. Through publications, festivals and exhibitions, entertaining the public outside of the profession.

African Centre for Cities

 The African Centre for Cities (ACC) is an interdisciplinary research and teaching programme focused on quality scholarship regarding the dynamics of unsustainable urbanization processes in Africa, with an eye on identifying systemic responses. The ACC conducts a series of applied research programmes in Cape Town, South Africa and significant parts of Africa. The applied urban research focus is complemented with a rich academic research programme that seeks to support and enhance urban scholars at UCT and in the knowledge centres we partner with. 


Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA)

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JDA is an agency of the City of Johannesburg which stimulates and supports area-based economic development initiatives throughout the Johannesburg metropolitan area in support of the Growth and Development Strategy. As development manager of these initiatives, JDA coordinates and manages capital investment and other programmes involving both public and private sector stakeholders.


Department: Human Settlements

The Department of Human and Settlements  is a department that derives its mandate mainly from the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act (Act 108 of 1996). In terms of section 26 of the Constitution everyone has the right to have access to adequate housing (Section 26(1)). The state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of this right (Section 26(2)). The legislation that the Department of Human Settlements has promulgated and implemented falls squarely within this Constitutional imperative.

Section 2 of the Housing Act, 1997 (Act No. 107 of 1997) compels all three spheres of government to give priority to the needs of the poor in respect of housing development (Section 2(1)(a)). In addition all three spheres of government must ensure that housing development -
provides as wide a choice of housing and tenure options as is reasonably possible;
is economically, fiscally, socially and financially affordable and sustainable.
is based on integrated development planning; and
is administered in a transparent, accountable and equitable manner, and upholds the practice of good governance (Section 2(1)(c))
Though its legislation, existing and future, and the Housing Code, the Department of Human Settlements is carrying out its legislative imperative as set out in the Housing Act, 1997.

establish and facilitate a sustainable process that provides equitable access to adequate housing or all within the context of affordability of housing and services and access to social amenities and economic opportunities.


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