National infrastructure asset management strategy: a recipe for acceleration towards efficiency
Organisation: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, CSIR Built Environment
Publish Date: 2009
Country: South Africa
Sector: Development
Method: Creative thinking
Theme: Infrastructure
Type: Conference paper
Language: English
Tags: Infrastructure, Water management, Infrastructure asset management, IAM, Strategies, Water services
The objective of the National Water Services Infrastructure Asset Management Strategy (hereinafter abbreviated as the "Water IAM Strategy" or, simply. “the Strategy”) is to achieve the following outcomes: Address service delivery failures in targeted water services institutions in the short term, and effect improvements that can be publicised in order to demonstrate the benefits of IAM. Secondly to develop in the water sector in the longer term of a culture of sustained improvement in IAM. The Strategy and the Implementation Framework between them identify the "what and who" that needs to be done (but not the "when") in respect of each important action. They outline a suite of instruments designed to achieve the “outcomes” quoted above – including both a facilitative approach (through empowerment and guidance) and an approach that relies on monitoring and regulation.
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