Open Innovation: From marginal to mainstream

Organisation: NESTA
Publish Date: April 2010
Country: British
Sector: Innovation
Method: Creative thinking
Theme: Corporate Affairs
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Innovation, Open Innovation, Discover style, Jam style, Open business models, Commerce
The work of our Corporate Connect programme has taken place on the cusp of a new industry dawn. The economics of open innovation have been plain to see for many years. Only now is business getting to grips with the realities of making it happen. NESTA’s aim is that we play our part in easing the transition of open innovation from marginal to mainstream, helping to create a more effective market between large enterprises and the wellspring of entrepreneurial talent in the UK. To this end, we have launched the Corporate Connect programme as a standalone company, 100% Open, to help spread the new model in a commercial environment.
Located in: Resources