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Shaping Alternative Futures for West Africa: Exploring the Role of Civil Society in the Region's 'Public Square'

Author: Marius Oosthuizen, Joshua Davis, Mari-Lisa Du Preez
Organisation: Gordon Institute of Business Science
Publish Date: May 2016
Country: West Africa
Method: Scenarios
Theme: Futures
Language: English
Tags: West Africa, Trend Analysis, Alternative Scenarios, Trends Scanning, Systems Analysis, Civil Society, Religious Institutions

The purpose of this study was to develop a long-range view of the major changes taking place in the West African region, and the member states of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in particular. By developing a future-orientated perspective of change in West Africa, the study provides the basis for contemplating alternative plausible scenarios for the region. These, consisting of a baseline (business-as-usual) and two alternative stories of the state of the region by 2063, provide a provocative narrative depiction of the interplay between political and economic, socio-cultural and technological factors that will shape the region’s future. These stories, while informed conjecture, enable the development of proactive foresight and strategic insight in the options before civil society leaders, policy makers and business leaders wanting to secure a prosperous and stable future for the people of West Africa.
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