The extreme future of megacities

Organisation: Institute for Global Future
Publish Date: June 2011
Country: Global
Sector: Social Development
Method: Casual layered analysis
Type: Article
Language: English
Tags: Megacities, Urbanization, Population growth, Energy demand, Climate change, Planetary management, Planning
Megacities will usher in a change that will challenge global organisation and sovereign states as they attempt to meet the needs of billions of citizens. And the expectations of those citizens are rising by the second. Expectations for health care, jobs, wealth, security, energy and, above all, opportunities for a better life will shape the future of the city. The urban demographic waves are in motion and, given rising birth rates and productivity levels, it is clear that the megacities of the future are being built today. This may mean a rough ride for many nations ill prepared to meet the challenges of a demanding, entitled megacity citizenry who will be organising to demand their rights to a better future.
Located in: Resources