Understanding Informal Urban Patterns by Integrating Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Cellular Automata (CA) Modelling

Organisation: The University of Melbourne
Publish Date: 2000
Country: Cameroon
Sector: Social Development
Method: Creative thinking
Theme: Living Standards
Type: Conference paper
Language: English
Tags: Informal settlements, Urbanization, Slums, Geographical Information Systems, GIS, Cellular Automata Modelling, CA, Urban dynamics
Cities in developing countries are expanding at a tremendous rate and informal settlements (where 40 to 80 % of city dwellers live) occur in unplanned urban areas. In planned cities in developed countries, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and cellular automata (CA) are favourable tools for modelling urban dynamics. This paper discusses the growth of informal settlements, describes the tools adopted to model urban dynamics in western society, and suggests how a similar approach can be used to understand the dynamic of informal settlements in Yaounde, Cameroon
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