Tshwane Vision 2055

Organisation: City of Tshwane
Publish Date: 2013
Country: South Africa
Sector: Development
Method: Forecasting
Theme: Public Good
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: City development Decision-making process Strategic interventions Development framework Changing environments Public participation Accountability Investment choices
The primary function of Tshwane Vision 2055 is to overcome tendencies of fragmentation and ensure that all structures of civil society, community based organisations and private business are coordinated around the implementation of agreed short- to long-term priorities, mapping out various steps that need to be undertaken. In order to achieve the Outcomes of Tshwane Vision 2055, strategic priority interventions/programmes must be measurable, achievable, time bound, accompanied by budget, and supported by a capable institution to facilitate implementation.
Tshwane Vision 2055 is meant to serve the following objectives:
• To develop a framework to help us do a better job, to focus our energy, to ensure that all
stakeholders and role-players are working toward the same goals;
• To assess and adjust the organisation’s strategic direction in response to a changing environment;
• To open up a public discourse on the key challenges confronting the City and how together we can
develop appropriate solutions; and
• To capture the imagination of City of Tshwane residents and stakeholders around the City’s vision and hold each other accountable in our journey towards 2055.
Beyond identifying ideals, it is also necessary for the City of Tshwane, as part of its priority setting mechanism to weigh the trade-offs, manage competing interests, conflicts, make hard investment choices, and intervene decisively to represent the interest of its residents.
Located in: Resources