Our Biopolitical Future: Four Scenarios

Organisation: Worldwatch Institute
Publish Date: 2007
Country: Global
Sector: Social Development
Method: Scenarios
Theme: Strategic Thinking
Language: English
Tags: Genetic technologies, Libertarian and communitarian values, Political landscapes, Future scenarios
Maps out four different scenarios for the biopolitical future between 2007-2021. The scenarios are: Libertarian, Transhumanism, Triumphs, both left- and right-libertarian values prevail. One Family, One Future, communitarian values grounded in quasi-religious solidarity and patriarchy prevail. A Techno-Eugenic Arms Race, a lethal mix of communitarian nationalism and libertarian techno-capitalism spins out of control. The scenario For the Common Good is grounded in communitarian values of the sort historically associated with social democracy and liberal internationalism.
Located in: Resources