Imagining the future of the transition from "Youth" to "Adult"

Organisation: UNESCO Knowledge Lab (FL Uknowlab)
Publish Date: 13 -14 January 2014
Country: Global
Method: Workshop
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: Futures Literacy, Futures Literacy Knowledge Laboratory, Youth, Transition, Adult, Human age, physiological and social changes
Humans change with age. We are born with a specific set of dependencies and relatively limited capabilities when compared with later dexterity and cognitive attributes. As we get older we acquire a range of capacities that can enable differing types and degrees of independence and interdependence, responsibility and freedom. Each person lives these changes in their own way, but when groups of people are examined with the goal of discerning common patterns it is usually easy to describe a set of life stages that most people experience. One way of characterizing the shared temporal stages is physiological, other ways describe psychological, relational or performative aspects of what happens to people over the life cycle. The aim in this workshop is to explore the attributes of one specific phase, the period when a human undergoes a set of physiological and social changes that can be called the transition from “youth” to “adult”.
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