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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Improving Nutrition through Multisectoral Approaches

Author: World Bank
Organisation: World Bank
Publish Date: 2013
Country: Global
Sector: Health
Method: Creative thinking
Theme: Food
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: Nutrition, Malnutrition, Agriculture, Poverty, Women, Children, Staple grains, Food balance
This guidance brief calls on Bank Treasurty Tax and Loans (TTLs) to take action on the following fronts: Incorporate nutrition sensitive analysis and activities into the design of Agriculture and Environmental Services (AES) projects, as well as in the food-security policy dialogue. During the project, periodically measure the progress of activities affecting nutrition using relevant output and outcome indicators (e.g. food consumption indicators) at a minimum at baseline, mid-term and project completion. Ensure that agriculture projects and policies do not unintentionally harm nutrition.
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