Irrigation Projection For 2030-2050

Organisation: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Publish Date: 2008
Country: Africa
Sector: Agriculture
Method: Forecasting
Theme: Water
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: Irrigation, Agriculture, Africa, Water
This paper presents the results of an analysis of irrigated agriculture in Africa on the basis of agricultural trends data compiled by FAO as part of its World Agriculture: towards 2030/2050 programme (FAO, 2006a), referred to here as AT2030/2050. he AT2030/2050 study presents a perspective on future agricultural supply and utilization on the basis of national demand and production of the main agricultural products in each country. It is driven by two key variables, population and income. Because the AT2030/2050 analysis is undertaken for 93 developing countries, South Africa is not a part of the detailed projection analysis for individual crops but has been incorporated to prepare the final estimates of irrigated areas and associated costs.
Located in: Resources