Namibia Vision 2030
Organisation: Government of the Republic of Namibia
Publish Date: 2004
Country: Malaysia
Sector: Country
Method: Forecasting
Theme: General
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Namibia Vision 2030
A national vision is a perception of the future, which reveals and points to something new, beyond what is already available and accessible. The goal of our Vision is to improve the quality of life of the people of Namibia to the level of their counterparts in the developed world, by 2030. In order to get there, we need a framework that defines clearly where we are today as a nation, where we want to be by 2030 and how to get there. Defining this framework in operational terms is visioning. Visioning for a nation means creating multiple alternative development strategies and integrated implementation approaches, for reaching the goal of future development.
Namibia Vision 2030 presents a clear view of where we are, where we want to go from here, and over what time frame. It is a vision that will take Namibia from the present into the future; a vision that will guide us to make deliberate efforts to improve the quality of life of our people. It is designed as a broad, unifying vision which would serve to guide the country’s five-year development plans, from NDP 2 through to NDP 7 and, at the same time, provide direction to government ministries, the private sector, NGOs, civil society, regional and local Government authorities. Therefore, Namibia vision 2030 will create policy synergies, which will effectively link long-term perspectives to short-term planning.
Located in: Resources