2030: The “Perfect Storm” Scenario
Looks at the challenges that could be faced by world leaders in 2030 with specific focus on the implications for six developing countries: Bangladesh, Egypt, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Uganda, and Y

Organisation: Population Institute
Publish Date: June 2013
2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years
When people think about the future, world population often comes first. My forecast is that the population will peak in 2040 at 8.1 billion people, and then start to decline and continue declining th

Organisation: University of Cambridge
Publish Date: 20112
21st Century Libraries: Changing Forms, Changing Futures
These scenarios do not attempt to predict the future, but they do generate a number of key questions. They not only provide a framework for debate on what we want our libraries to be, but also identi

Organisation: Building Futures
Publish Date: 2004
40 for the Next 40: A Sampling of the Drivers of Change...
We are in the midst of an accelerating, revolutionary transformation. Change is happening everywhere – in technology, business, government, economics, organizational structures, values and norms – an

Organisation: Toffler Associates
Publish Date: 2010
80 Gigawatts of Change: Egypt's future electricity pathways
80 Gigawatts of Change’ is the first publicly accessible, modeled and civil society analyzed scenario for the Egyptian electrical sector ever produced. Through engaging with stakeholders and a partic

Organisation: Heinrich Böll Stiftung HBS, Egyptian Center for Economic & Social Rights
Publish Date: 2016