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The Future of Humanity
We need realistic pictures of what the future might bring in order to make sound decisions. Increasingly, we need realistic pictures not only of our personal or local near-term futures, but also of r

Author: Nick Bostrom
Organisation: Oxford University
Publish Date: 2007
The Future of Indigenous Publishing in Africa
This issue of Development Dialogue is mainly devoted to indigenous publishing in Africa, with material drawn from the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation’s second seminar on this broad theme held in Arusha,

Author: Wendy Davies
Organisation: The Journal of The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
Publish Date: 2002
The Future of Innovation Management: The Next 10 Years
Literature is rife with books and articles on the history of innovation management. But what about the future? To find out more about the future of innovation management we conducted a survey of the

Author: Rick Eagar, Frederik van Oene, Charles Boulton, Daniel Roos and Cindy Dekeyser
Organisation: Arthur D. Little
Publish Date: 2011
The Future of Innovation Studies in Less Economically Developed Countries
Science and technology policy studies have been centrally involved with understanding processes of innovation. Here we broadly define innovation as changes in organizational processes (as well as qua

Author: Logan D. A. Williams, Thomas S. Woodson
Organisation: Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
Publish Date: May 2012
The Future of International Criminal Justice
Where is international justice today? It appears to be in a stage of transition. It has been a remarkable success story since the end of the Cold War, but the idealism and faith in multilateralism th

Author: Carsten Stahn
Organisation: Leiden University
Publish Date: 2009
The Future of Knowledge Creation: Visioning a Capacity Revolution - a Futures Literacy Workshop
How do we know what we do not know:The aims of this workshop are ambitious:to change the way you think,and in so doing,change your capacity tolearn and act.We have called it“visioning a capacity rev

Author: Futures Literacy Workshop Workbook
Organisation: Futures Literacy Workshop Workbook
Publish Date: June 2010
The Future of Languages of Kenya: Adopting the Principles of Environmental Conservation
This paper argues that African linguistic diversity is part of the world’s heritage, which faces challenges and threats to its use as a sustainable resource in many ways akin to the world’s biologica

Author: Kibiwott Peter Kurgat
Organisation: School of Arts and Sciences United States International University Nairobi
Publish Date: 2006
The Future of Law Enforcement: A Consideration of Potential Allies and Adversaries
The goal of futurists is to make others think. As such, some entries in this proceedings are quite detailed exploring various aspects of the complexities of forging partnerships and developing strate

Author: J. Amber Scherer and John P. Jarvi (editors)
Organisation: Futures Working Group
Publish Date: 2010
The Future of Learning & Development: Trends, Topics & Tools to Stay Ahead of the Curve
How are the world’s leading organizations developing their people and honing employees’ skills? What is the role of the Learning & Development function today and how will that change in the future? f

Author: Future think LCC
Organisation: Future think LCC
Publish Date: October 2009
The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age
Modes of learning have changed dramatically over the past two decades—our sources of information,the ways we exchange and interact with information,how information informs and shapes us. But our scho

Author: Cathy, N,Davidson, David Theo Goldberg, Zoe, Mari jones
Organisation: The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Publish Date: 2009
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