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African Infrastructure Intelligence Report
The ICA has partnered with leading financial information group PEI to produce the African Infrastructure Intelligence Report. The report provides an objective and substantive overview of Africa's inf

Organisation: PEI and The Infrastructure Consortium for Africa
Publish Date: Feb 2011
African Languages and Information and Communication Technologies: Literacy, Access, and the Future
Selected Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, ed. John Mugane et al., 86-93. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Organisation: Bisharat, Ltd.
Publish Date: 2006
African Philosophy and the Future of Africa
Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change Series II, Africa, Volume 14. The papers in this volume were all presented at a conference on African Philosophy and the Future of Africa (St Augustine Colle

Organisation: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy
Publish Date: 2011
African urban fantasies
New generation urban ‘master’ plans, produced by international architectural and engineering firms.

Organisation: School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, University of Cape Town
Publish Date: 2012
African Voices - African Visions
Reading through the essays in this book, and the combination of hopes and aspirations which they convey, gives the reader reasons to be optimistic about the future of Africa, and particularly the cre

Organisation: The Nordic Africa Institute
Publish Date: 2001
African Youth Decade 2009-2018 Plan of Action
The African Youth Decade, 2009-2018 Plan of Action (DPoA) is a framework for multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional engagement of all stakeholders towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of

Organisation: African Union
Publish Date: May 2011
African Youth Report 2009: Expanding opportunities for and with Young people in Africa
This inaugural African Youth Report provides an in-depth perspective on youth issues in Africa. It builds on recent African initiatives, in particular the Fifth African Development Forum on “Youth an

Organisation: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
Publish Date: 2009
African Youth Report 2011: Addressing the youth education and employment nexus in the new global economy
“This report seeks to promote new and deeper knowledge of the potential of African young people and the broad conditions that have an influence on this potential. It acknowledges the predicament of A

Organisation: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Publish Date: 2011
Africa’s climate and development future
Climate change-related scarcity, poverty and weak rule of law could exacerbate socio-economic and political instability in Africa. Climate investments can help meet some of the continent’s socio-econ

Organisation: Institute for Security Studies
Publish Date: April 2023