Policy paper on urban strategic planning: Local leaders preparing for the future of our cities

Organisation: United Cities and Local Governments Committee on Urban Strategic Planning (USP)
Publish Date: November 2010
Country: Global
Sector: Community
Method: Forecasting
Theme: Strategic Thinking
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Strategic planning Urban development Planning framework Recommendations
The United Cities and Local Governments Committee on Urban Strategic Planning (USP) has developed a global position of local governments on strategic planning and urban development. This policy paper thus formulates general recommendations towards a strategic planning framework, as well as more specific recommendations to the principal actors involved, and, in its regional chapter concrete city experiences. From the vibrant but over-crowded cities of Sao Paolo and Johannesburg, to the post-industrial cities undergoing urban regeneration such as Bilbao, Glasgow or Tblisi – the need for urban planning speaks for itself. Whether local governments struggle to provide shelter for a growing population in decent housing, or whether they struggle to afford health care services for an aging population, the one common experience that unites them all is that planning cannot be left to chance.
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