Urban Futures 2030: Urban Development and Urban Lifestyles of the Future

Organisation: Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Publish Date: January 2011
Country: Global
Sector: Development
Method: Foresight
Theme: Futures
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Sustainable cities Sustainable architecture Climate change Mass urbanisation Carbon free cities
Cities are home to half of humanity. Cities are strongholds of our culture, powerhouses of our economy and test beds for new ways of life. Yet they are also responsible for the bulk of our greenhouse gas emissions. Urban centers are driving climate change and will feel its consequences in no uncertain terms – despite, and because of the technologies at our disposal. Together with traffic and industrial production, building-related energy consumption is one of the major sources of urban carbon emissions. Dealing with climate change will mean taking a critical look at our building work, and it is no coincidence that “greening the city” is the new trend. The experts contributing to this volume give insight into the answers that future-oriented urban planning and architecture must deliver.
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