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The Human Core of the SSPs: Population Scenarios by Age, Sex and Level of Education for all Countries to 2100

Author: KC Samir, Wolfgang Lutz
Organisation: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Publish Date: 2013
Country: Global
Sector: Social Development
Method: Forecasting
Theme: Sustainability
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: World Population, Education, Age Structure, Scenarios, Country Level, Socio-economic pathways, SSP

By differentiating the human population not only by age and sex – as is conventionally done in demographic projections – but also by different levels of educational attainment the most fundamental aspects of human development and social change are being explicitly addressed through modeling the changing composition of populations by these three important individual characteristics. The definitions of assumptions about future fertility, mortality, migration and education trends are based on a major new projections effort by the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, Austrian Academy of Sciences and WU-Vienna
University of Economics) involving more than 600 experts from around the world.
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