Cape Town 2025: Urban Form and Infrastructure

Organisation: ISANDLA Institute
Publish Date: July 2005
Country: South Africa
Sector: Development
Method: Foresight
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: Scenarios, foresight, Urban, Cities, City
This paper expounds the need to return to a normative position in post apartheid Cape Town that engenders a developmental agenda from the highest political levels to the immediacy of critical delivery, including accessing the needs of local people. It argues for a long term view on making urban form and infrastructure to a level of such robustness and flexibility that it can change as it must, yet remain timeless in its fundamental make-up. The paper examines the urban form and infrastructure of Cape Town twenty years hence, i.e. to 2025, based on two scenarios: the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario and the Sustainable Development (SD) scenario.
Located in: Resources