A Beneficiation strategy for the minerals industry of South Africa

Organisation: Department of Mineral Resources RSA
Publish Date: June 2011
Country: South Africa
Sector: Mining
Method: Forecasting
Theme: Finance
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Mining industry, Minerals, Economics, Energy, Commodities, Iron and steel, Pigment production, Titanium, Autocatalytic converters, Diesel particulate filters, Jewellery fabrication
The beneficiation strategy provides a framework that seeks to translate the country’s sheer comparative advantage inherited from mineral resources endowment to a national competitive advantage. The strategy is aligned to a national industrialisation programme, which seeks to enhance the quantity and quality of exports, promote creation of decent employment and diversification of the economy, including promotion of the green economy. Further, the strategy is contributory towards strengthening of the knowledge economy in support of the overall competitiveness of the economy.
Located in: Resources