Foresight for Smart Globalization: Accelerating & Enhancing Pro-Poor Development Opportunities

Organisation: Institute for Alternative Futures & The Rockefeller Foundation
Publish Date: 2009
Country: Global
Sector: Globalisation
Method: Foresight
Theme: Poverty
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Pro-poor, Foresight, Energy, Climate, Science, Technology, Economic governance, poverty
This report advocates “pro-poor foresight” which challenges the futures/foresight community to build into foresight analysis consideration of the impacts of policies on the poor as well as the opportunities for eliminating poverty. The report argues that: Foresight, as generally applied within government, industry, and the non-governmental sector, rarely includes an explicit focus on poverty. While foresight exercises typically take into account the impact of long-term political, economic, social, and technological trends, the differential implications of these factors for the lives of the poor tend not to be addressed. The poor, however, will be disproportionately affected by the myriad and intractable problems of the 21st century, including climate change disasters, weak governance systems, financial crises, security threats, and societal disruptions.
Located in: Resources