Migration and Global Environmental Change: Future Challenges and Opportunities

Organisation: The Government Office for Science, London
Publish Date: 2011
Country: Global
Sector: Environment
Method: Foresight
Theme: Climate Change
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Migration, Global Environmental Change, Environment, Climate Change, Foresigh
A range of major forces are set to cause profound changes in natural and human environments across the world over the next 50 or so years. Besides climate change, examples include the growth of mega-cities, land degradation and the profound consequences of an increasing global population which is consuming ever more natural resources. The key aim of this Foresight project has been to consider how these global drivers could affect the volume and patterns of human migration out to 2030 and thence to 2060; and, importantly, the decisions that need to be taken today by policy makers at national and international levels to address the future challenges.
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