Telco 2015: five telling years, four future scenarios report
Organisation: IBM Institute for Business Value
Publish Date: April 2010
Country: Global
Sector: Technology
Method: Scenarios
Theme: ICT
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Mobile, Mobile phone, Telecom, Telecommunications, Futures, Scenarios
Despite the run-up in mobile revenues over the last few years, communications revenue growth is beginning to falter as voice markets in developing countries saturate. While the global digital renaissance has yielded pockets of success and opportunity for telecom providers, content and connectivity revenues have not offset the declines. How will the industry evolve over the next five years? Will provider strategies be proactive or protective? Our research suggests four plausible scenarios and the events that would signal their unfolding. More important, we outline the characteristics of companies most likely to succeed in each of these possible futures.
Located in: Resources