Transportation & Logistics 2030: Volume 2 Transport infrastructure — Engine or hand brake for global supply chains?
This report addresses these questions and develops some scenarios about the future of transport infrastructure. It draws upon a rigorous mix of desk research and the results of a Delphi survey among
Organisation: PricewaterhouseCoopers
Publish Date: 2010
Transportation & Logistics 2030: Volume 3 Emerging Markets – New hubs, new spokes, new industry leaders?
As the importance of emerging markets continues to increase, what new hubs and spokes will develop in global logistics networks? Where are we likely to see the emergence of new industry leaders, and
Organisation: PricewaterhouseCoopers
Publish Date: 2010
Transportek Foresight Study
CSIR Transportek decided to undertake a business and technology foresight study in order to enhance its decision making process for the investment of its Parliamentary Grant funding.The study was div
Organisation: CSIR Transportek
Publish Date: March 2004
Transprudentiality: Complementary Ecosociopsychonomies - Why Capitalism Needs Them
Structure of Ideas I. Futurenomic Transdisciplinarity of Ecosociopsychonomics II. Trans-Systemic Risk-Management for Ecosociopsychonomic Futures III. Transprudentiality for Transprudential Portfolio

Organisation: Joseph Edozien
Publish Date: July 2014
Travel & Tourism 2011
Chapter 1: Why Travel & Tourism?Chapter 2:A Decade of Challenge and ChangeChapter 3: 2011;A Mixed PictureChapter 4: The Next Ten YearsChapter 5:Making it Happen
Organisation: World Travel & Tourism Council
Publish Date: 2011
Travel and tourism in 2020 - Prepared by the Future Foundation: The Key Drivers
The explosion in world tourism is one of the most remarkable economic and social phenomena of thelast half-century. With only minor interruptions the proportion of the world population taking part in
Organisation: The Future Foundation
Publish Date: 2005
Trends and possible long term implications of the demography of a more developed and a lessor developed country: United Kingdom and Kenya
This assignment will describe the population trends of Kenya and the United Kingdom. Some analysis will be done of the reasons for differences between the two countries. Then the possible long term i

Organisation: Jan Bezuidenhout
Publish Date: 8 June 2011
Trends in diversification of post-secondary education
Section 1 looks into different definitions of diversification; Section 2 discusses PSE course levels; Section 3 reviews the reasons for diversification; and Sections 4–8 give an overview of different
Organisation: UNESCO, IIEP
Publish Date: 2011
Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an Academic Revolution
This report is especially devoted to examining the changes that have taken place since the 1998 UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education.While many trends included in this report were discussed in
Organisation: UNESCO 2009 World Conference on Higher Education
Publish Date: 2009
Trends in the mining and metals industry
Discusses the key trends that mark today’s mining and metals industry and, without attempting to predict the future, consider the where, the what, the who and the how of the mining industry today and

Organisation: International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM)
Publish Date: October 2012