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Tourism, Local Livelihoods, and the Private Sector in South Africa: Case Studies on the Growing Role of the Private Sector in Natural Resources Manage
The focus of this paper is to examine how changing institutional arrangements and policies affect poor people’s livelihoods and access to natural resources.It addresses tourism in South Africa,and th

Author: Anna Spenceley
Organisation: Sustainable Livelihoods in Southern Africa Research Paper 8
Publish Date: March 2003
Towards 2018: South Africa’s 10-Year National Innovation Plan
This presentation focuses on a new drive for economic growth and development in South Africa together with two its BRICS partners, India and Brazil.

Author: Dr Yonah Seleti
Organisation: Department of Science and Technology
Publish Date: July 2009
Towards a Post-Oil Civilization: Yasunization and other initiatives to leave fossil fuels in the soil
How much of the earth’s magnificent biological resources should we destroy to continue clinging to fossil fuels? How much land should be ruptured and made toxic, leaving nothing for future generation

Author: L.Temper, I. Yánez, K. Sharife, O. Godwin and J. Martinez-Alier
Organisation: Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT)
Publish Date: May 2013
Towards a Vision for the Urban Land Sector in South Africa by 2020
This report sets out the vision which was developed through the visioning workshop. It is intended that this document be used at Urban LandMark roundtables to stimulate the views of urban land stakeh

Author: Matthew Nell & Associates (Pty) Ltd
Organisation: Urban LandMark
Publish Date: June 2007
Towards a Vision of the Urban Land Sector in South Africa by 2020: Interventions and Future Scenario
This report sets out the interventions and future scenario as envisaged by the participants in the workshop,andincludes the following:Proposed interventions,Future scenario and Implications

Author: Matthew Nell & Associates (Pty) Ltd
Organisation: Urban LandMark
Publish Date: June 2007
Towards a youth employment strategy for South Africa
In response to the high and growing rate of youth unemployment in South Africa,the DBSA initiated a project in September 2010 to develop a high-level youth employment strategy.The purpose of the stud

Author: Marina J Mayer et al
Organisation: Development Bank of Southern Africa
Publish Date: 2011
Towards an Anti-poverty Strategy for South Africa
The overall objective of this strategy is to eradicate poverty. At the centre of the fight against poverty: creation of economic opportunities and enabling or empowering communities and individuals t

Author: South African Government
Organisation: South African Government
Publish Date: October 2008
Towards an Urbanized World: A challenge for urban planning and sustainable development
The maximum "carrying capacity“of the globe is estimated to be roughly 9 billion people,considering natural resources like fertile land and water.Thus,the worst-case-scenario would be a world populat

Author: Eckhart Ribbeck
Organisation: Faculty of Technology / Addis Ababa University & Engineering Capacity Building Program (ecbp
Publish Date: March 2007
Towards Integration of Innovation Systems and Foresight Research in Firms and Corporations
In this article the role of foresight systems elements is analysed in relation to the innovative systems. Foresight can be seen as a relevant competence.

Author: Jari Kaivo-oja
Organisation: Finland Futures Research Centre
Publish Date: 2006
Towards new learning networks
What should the educational landscape of the future look like? Whattypes of institutions,spaces and places for learning should we see develop?Where,and with whom,should learning happen? Our argument

Author: Tim Rudd, Dan Sutch,Keri Facer
Organisation: Futurelab
Publish Date: 2006
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