Devolution in Kenya Prospects, Challenges and future
The debate on devolution of power traces its history to Kenya’s pre-independence discourse. Most recently, it came up again with the writing of the new draft constitution. However, throughout the pos

Organisation: Institute of Economic Affairs
Publish Date: 2010
Diabetes & Obesity 2025: Four Future Scenarios For the Twin Health Epidemics
This report explores the future of diabetes and obesity by developing four scenarios based in 2025. Each scenario was built using IAF's unique methodology which combines the theories of Spiral Dynam

Organisation: Institute for Alternative Futures
Publish Date: June 2006
Diabetes towards 2030
This booklet presents two scenarios for how public health and diabetes care could develop and power new business models for pharmaceutical companies and healthcare towards 2030.

Organisation: Novo Nordisk
Publish Date: December 2009
Digital Publishing in West Africa: Prospects and challenges
Everything is turning to technology. This has affected the way humans have lived including the way we store and source for information. We are becoming a global society that is more virtual. We downl

Organisation: Information for Change 2011
Publish Date: May 2011
Digital Publishing in West Africa: Technology and the Future of the Book
Full Review of Information for Change 2011, Lagos, Nigeria, 11th May 2011

Publish Date: 2011
Dinokeng Scenarios: Three futures for South Africa
This report, from Dinokeng Scenarios, questions what South Africa will look like in 2020, how South African citizens will fare, and how South Africa will stand in the world.

Organisation: Dinokeng Scenarios
Publish Date: 2008
Dispatched From The Frontline: Using pro-poor foresight to influence decision-making
From 2009 to 2013 the Rockefeller Foundation supported a horizon-scanning network of Searchlight grantees, most of which are located in the Global South. The Searchlight network has been at the core

Organisation: Society for International Development
Publish Date: 2014
Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy
In this report, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) assesses the potential reach and scope, as well as the potential economic impact and disruption, of major rapidly advancing technology areas. Throu

Organisation: McKinsey & Company
Publish Date: 2013
Dwesa Village Connection Business Modelling Feasibility Analysis
As a part of it's strategy, Cooperation Framework on Innovation Systems between Finland and South Africa (COFISA) (Cooperation Framework on Innovation Systems between Finland and South Africa), is ai

Organisation: Cooperation Framework on Innovation Systems between Finland and South Africa (COFISA).
Publish Date: 2010