Mapping Sub-Saharan Africa's Future
The National Intelligence Council convened a group of top US experts on Sub-Saharan Africa to discuss likely trends in the region over the next 15 years. The group discussed several major issues or d

Organisation: National Intelligence Council
Publish Date: January 2005
Mapping the Global Future
At no time since the formation of the Western alliance system in 1949 have the shape and nature of international alignments been in such a state of flux. The end of the Cold War shifted the tectonic

Organisation: National Intelligence Council
Publish Date: 2004
Mapping the Way Forward: Urban Futures Project Final Report
The Urban Futures Project is a case study of the processes and methodologies that Save the Children International’s (SCI) Humanitarian Affairs Unit (HAU) can adopt to support a more futures-oriented

Organisation: Humanitarian Futures Programme, King's College London
Publish Date: October 2013
Mapping triple helix innovation networks in the Western Cape
This document is the final output of the Cooperation Framework on Innovation Systems between Finland and South Africa (COFISA) study ‘Mapping triple helix innovation networks in the Western Cape’. Th

Organisation: Cooperation Framework on Innovation Systems between Finland and South Africa (COFISA)
Publish Date: 2010
Mapping Youth Futures - Global Youth Culture: A Transdisciplinary Perspective
Chapter 1 from Youth Futures: comparative research and transformative visions

Organisation: Youth Futures: comparative research and transformative visions
Publish Date: 2002
Marshall Plan for Haiti Initial Project of the Global Partnership for Development
Marshall Plan for Haiti Initial Project of the Global Partnership for Development

Organisation: WFUNA Millennium Project International Commission for Development of Haiti Department of Development
Publish Date: 2007
McKinsey on Africa: A continent on the move
The next decade will likely mark the first since the industrial revolution when emerging economies add more to global growth than all the developed countries combined. In our view, Africa will be a c

Organisation: McKinsey & Company
Publish Date: 2010
Measuring and Making the Future: The Contribution of Futures Studies to Strategic Thinking in South Africa
The 17 years at the Institute for Futures Research were for this author a period of great fulfilment. The challenges were exciting, not only because of the turbulence of the 1980s in South Africa, bu

Organisation: Institute for Futures Research
Publish Date: 2007
Media 2015: The Future of Media
At the heart of the Media 2015 approach is Scenario Planning, a technique adapted from military strategy for corporate use by the big oil companies in the 1970s. Scenario Planning is now an oft-used

Organisation: Unilever, ESPN, Mindshare, the futures company
Publish Date: 2009
Medical Tourism Development Strategy
This seminal study regarding Medical Tourism in Egypt has been carried out by the consortium on behalf of the Industrial Modernisation Centre (IMC). It provides sector-specific data and information o

Organisation: Industrial Modernization Centre
Publish Date: 2008