Mobile Scenarios: Supporting Collaborative Learning among Nomads
This master thesis reports on the design and development of competence development activities for mobile people with implications from experiences from a stationary setting. The Viktoria Institute ha

Organisation: Viktoria Institute
Publish Date: 2001
Mobile Technologies and Empowerment: Enhancing human development through participation and innovation
Recent estimates indicate that information and communications technologies (ICTs) could be accessible to everyone by 2015. We are witnessing a new wave of democratization of access to innovative ICT
Organisation: United Nations Development Programme
Publish Date: 2012
Mobile traffic forecasts 2010-2020 report
This report provides forecasts for the next decade, i.e. from 2010 to 20204, on the evolution of penetration rates, of voice and data traffic on mobile networks, on the services that are expected to

Organisation: IDATE & UMTS Forum
Publish Date: 2011
Modeling Climate Change, Food Security, and Population
Developing countries face ever increasing challenges in the area of food security. Among these challenges, climate change is arguably one of the most serious and wide-spread threats, since it affects

Organisation: Futures Group
Publish Date: March 2012
Modeling megacity futures
The rationale for studying urban systems and phenomena is varied and compelling. Urban activity is among the most significant of the Earth’s land-uses. Cities host vast amounts of the world’s built a

Organisation: Symposium on Megacities
Publish Date: November 2008
Modelling Future Health: Predicting Health with changing obesity using Micro Simulation
The UKHF micro-simulation is capable of dynamically modelling demographically specified populations of people, on an individual basis. Provided the necessary defining statistics exist the populations

Organisation: Oxford University
Publish Date: 2013
Modelling Informal Settlement Growth in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dar es Salaam has witnessed rapid urbanisation abreast many challenges that informal settlements have become inevitable manifestation of it. Although known for rapid growth – leapfrogging into the un

Organisation: University of Twente
Publish Date: 2011
Modelling informal urban growth under rapid urbanisation
The need for well balanced and informed decisions becomes evident and calls inter alia for support of urban planning by geo-information technology and so-called decision support systems. This thesis

Organisation: Dortmund University
Publish Date: June 2010
Modelling scenarios for water resources management in the Sand River Catchment, South Africa
This paper discusses use of water resources modelling tools as part of the application of the RIDe methodology, in order to assess possible management scenarios for water resources in the Sand River

Organisation: WHiRL
Publish Date: 2004
Modelling unemployment in the presence of excess labour supply: An application to Egypt
This study simulates the future development of the labour market supply in Egypt according to long-term population prospects of the United Nations. In addition to other studies in the scientific lite

Organisation: Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences and Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS)
Publish Date: 2011