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Dr Ahmed Sedky

Futurist Profile


Ahmed M. A. Sedky

Architectural and urban design, development and heritage management

Urban Development Consultant: Ahmed Sedky Consultants

PhD Arch. - Edinburgh UK
Post Grad. Dipl. Land Provision and Informal Settlements - Rotterdam The Netherlands
MA History of Architecture - Cairo Egypt
Bsc. arch. eng. - Cairo Egypt

Dr Sedky answered a few questions about his perspective and on being a futures thinker.


You identify yourself as an African futures thinker or practitioner. How would you describe to the woman or man on the street what it is that you do in this regard?

I'm trying to define the most influential core factors that would enhance the quality of our habitat and urban management for better quality of living and poverty alleviation.

How many years have you worked as an African futures thinker / practitioner?

Ten years

In which countries or places have you had working experience as an African futures thinker / practitioner?

Egypt and Tunisia

In what languages have you undertaken futures / foresight related work or research?

Arabic and English

What is it that motivates you to work or participate in the foresight / future studies / related field

The more drastic our living urban environment, the more I'm motivated to seek a better environment and tomorrow is my refuge.

What goal/s would you most like to reach with your work as an African futures thinker / practitioner?

Environmental quality awareness as a common culture understood and influence people urban and municipal choices and decisions.

Who or what most influenced your thinking as a futures thinker / practitioner, and how?

Inhabitants of deteriorated urban settlements, informal areas.

What is your main disciplinary background? (i.e. your primary training / qualification)

Architectural and urban design, urban management and community development.

How do other people describe you and how do you describe yourself?

Others describe me as an… Expert

I describe myself as… Researcher



What is one of your favourite quotes about the future?

"Tomorrow is never a remote shore, for it is part of today. " - Personal belief

How would you describe the state of African futures thinking right now?

Demands integrating efforts to overcome its current disperse.

What is, in your opinion, the main barrier to uptake of futures knowledge by African institutions and organisations?

To ensure our African belonging as an identity to confirm Africa as home and future world development arena.

If you were to give advice to someone who wants a career in African foresight / future studies, what would you say to him or her?

Africa is a promising continent that demands both mind and heart to overcome its current obstacles as well as making the best advantage if its endless natural resources but most of all to benefit from its special power, the Africans.

What are your recommended readings for every African futures thinker / practitioner?

The People, for they are the key. Africa has been unfortunately envisaged as a mine rather than a farm of knowledge and rich culture! I therefore recommend exploring people and their profound diversified cultural resources for I trust that the key future development should be predominantly adopting a cultural dimension.

What are your recommendations for other favourite futures resources: websites, newsfeeds, mailing lists, associations, etc.?

Associations with a group of correspondents, network of multidisciplinary activists. They shall act as African consultants who shall lend their experiences in varied cases to reach to Comprehensive solutions. Al moderated from the FFD platform.


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