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Mary-Ann Alho

Futurist Profile


Mary-Ann Alho

Editor/ Private tutor

Sole member: Learner Support Enterprises cc

Honours degree in Psychology - Clinical
PRISA - Advanced Diploma
IMM - Diploma in Marketing Management


Mary-Ann answered a few questions about her perspective and on being a futures thinker.


You identify yourself as an African futures thinker or practitioner. How would you describe to the woman or man on the street what it is that you do in this regard?

Look at what is common to all human beings and try to level the playing fields through education and counselling support.

How many years have you worked as an African futures thinker / practitioner?

Seven years

In which countries or places have you had working experience as an African futures thinker / practitioner?

South West Africa/ Namibia, South Africa

In what languages have you undertaken futures / foresight related work or research?

Afrikaans, English, Sotho

What goal/s would you most like to reach with your work as an African futures thinker / practitioner?

Ensure a basic good education for all that empowers communities, nations and of course individuals.

Who or what most influenced your thinking as a futures thinker / practitioner, and how?

Dr Rosemary Orpen
Prof Mike Larkin
Mother Theresa
Pres Mandela

What is your main disciplinary background? (i.e. your primary training / qualification)

English and Psychology

How do other people describe you and how do you describe yourself?

Others describe me as… tenacious
I describe myself as… relentless



What is one of your favourite quotes about the future?

“For evil to flourish it behoves the good man to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke

How would you describe the state of African futures thinking right now?

Animated by the opportunity to grow and do good.

What is, in your opinion, the main barrier to uptake of futures knowledge by African institutions and organisations?

Inflexibility and holding onto the past.

If you were to give advice to someone who wants a career in African foresight / future studies, what would you say to him or her?

Get a proper education that is unbiased and forward thinking.


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