Artificial Intelligence
Everything we love about civilization is a product of intelligence, so amplifying our human intelligence with artificial intelligence has the potential of helping civilization flourish like never before – as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial.
Max Tegmark - President of the Future of Life Institute
Foresight For Development turns the spotlight on the future of artificial intelligence.
Featured in Bibliozone this month is a collection of publications related to the month's theme. The selection of documents is partial and based on accessible material. Therefore, we would like to invite everyone to supplement our library with additional materials.
From our FFD library:
Here are the publications available in our library:
AI Futures
- AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs
- Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Combat Cyber Crimes: A Review
- Are we approaching an economic singularity? Information technology and the future of economic growth
- Artificial General Intelligence: Concept, State of the Art, and Future Prospects
- Artificial General Intelligence and the Future of the Human Race
- Artificial Intelligence and Future Warfare
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
- Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030
- Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering: Status and Future Trends
- Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering: Understanding the Promise of the Future
- Artificial intelligence and Internet of Things in a “smart home” context
- Artificial Intelligence Applications in the Atmospheric Environment: Status and Future Trends
- Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk
- Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Defence
- Artificial Intelligence - Now and the Future
- Artificial intelligence: Past and future
- Artificial Intelligence Robotics: Services and Future roadmap
- Artificial intelligence: The future of the healthcare supply chain
- Artificial Intelligence Through the Eyes of the Public
- Artificial Intelligence to Drive Future of Innovation
- Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Methods, and Technologies
- Bit Bang - Rays to the Future
- Can robots be lawyers? Computers, lawyers and the practice of law
- Computing, cognition and the future of knowing: How humans and machines are forging a new age of understanding
- Digitizing Intelligence: AI, Robots and the Future of Finance
- Economic Possibilities for Our Children: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work, Education, and Leisure
- Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges
- Ethical Artificial Intelligence
- Ethical Robots: The Future Can Heed Us
- Forecasting the Stock Market Index Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
- Four Futures of Legal Automation
- Future Challenges of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Nursing: What Can We Learn from Monsters in Popular Culture?
- Future Computing and Robotics: A Report from the HBP Foresight Lab
- Future Minds: Transhumanism, Cognitive Enhancements and the Nature of Persons
- Future Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Future Progress in Artificial Intelligence: A Survey of Expert Opinion
- Global Economic Impacts Associated with Artificial Intelligence
- Global E-tailing 2025
- Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds
- Human enhancement and the future of work
- Human-Level Artificial General Intelligence and the Possibility of a Technological Singularity
- INDUSTRIE 4.0: Smart Manufacturing for the Future
- Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence
- Intelligent Agent Software for Medicine
- Intelligent Infrastructure Futures the Scenarios – Towards 2055
- Intelligent Robotics: Past, Present and Future
- “It’s Going to Kill Us!” and Other Myths About the Future of Artificial Intelligence
- Levels and loops: the future of artificial intelligence and neuroscience
- Mapping the Landscape of Human-Level Artificial General Intelligence
- Mastering the Robot: The Future of Work in the Second Machine Age
- Memristor Minds: The Future of Artificial Intelligence
- Mining the Web to Predict Future Events
- Multi-agent Systems in Industry: Current Trends & Future Challenges
- Physics of the future: how science will shape human destiny and our daily lives by the year 2100
- Plausible Scenarios for Artificial Intelligence in Preventing Catastrophes
- Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence
- Prospecting the future with AI
- Racing to the Precipice: a Model of Artificial Intelligence Development
- Rethinking Machines: Artificial Intelligence Beyond The Philosophy of Mind
- Review of state-of-the-arts in artificial intelligence. Present and future of AI.
- Study on Future of Artificial Intelligence in Neural Network System
- The 2015 ITIF Luddite Award Nominees: The Worst of the Year’s Worst Innovation Killers
- The Chinese Room Revisited: Artificial Intelligence and the Nature of Mind
- The Effect of Emerging Artificial Intelligence Techniques on the Ethical Role of Computer Scientists
- The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
- The future of Artificial Intelligence: The Role of Web and Emerging Technologies
- The Future of Communication Artificial Intelligence and Social Networks
- The future of paraconsistent logic
- The future of work and robotics
- There's a Future: Visions for a Better World
- The Near Future of Artificial Intelligence
- The past, present, and future of artificial life
- The promise of artificial intelligence: Redefining management in the workforce of the future
- The Singularity and Human Destiny
- The Singularity and the State of the Art in Artificial Intelligence
- Why Artificial Intelligence is the Future of Growth
- 18 artificial intelligence researchers reveal the profound changes coming to our lives
- 19 A.I. experts reveal the biggest myths about robots
- AI predicts outcome of human rights cases
- Artificial Intelligence BBC Future
- As Artificial Intelligence Evolves, So Does Its Criminal Potential
- Benefits & Risks of Artificial Intelligence
- Could robots replace us all?
- Future of Artificial Intelligence - Demonetization
- Future of Artificial Intelligence - No Work, All Play Society
- How AI might affect urban life in 2030
- How People Will Use AI to Do Their Jobs Better
- Keeping AI Well Behaved: How Do We Engineer An Artificial System That Has Values?
- Machine Learning Trends and the Future of Artificial Intelligence
- March of the machines
- Minds and machines: The art of forecasting in the age of artificial intelligence
- Robo-journalism: the third threat
- Signal of change / Virtual Reality project crosses the species boundary
- Tech must look to past to protect the future from an artificial intelligence apocalypse
- The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence
- The Evolution of AI: Can Morality be Programmed?
- The Future of AI: Is Something Different This Time?
- The Future of Artificial Intelligence
- The future of artificial intelligence
- The Partnership of the Future
- The Partnership of the Future - How humans and A.I. can work together to solve society's greatest challenges
- The past, present, and future of artificial life
- The robots of war: AI and the future of combat
- This Amazing Robotic Glove Lets You Touch the Virtual World
- This Is the Future Of Artificial Intelligence
- The next wave of AI is rooted in human culture and history
- This is what you get when you give a 3D printer artificial intelligence
- What does the future hold for artificial intelligence?
- What skills will human workers need when robots take over? A new algorithm would let the machines decide
- What’s Next for Artificial Intelligence
- Why Microsoft is betting its future on AI
- Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Take Over Content Marketing?
AI risks, ethics and regulation
- 12 Risks that threaten human civilisation
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence
- AI Dangers: Imagined and Real
- AI is starting to get seriously smart, perhaps worryingly so
- AI is the biggest risk we face as a civilisation, Elon Musk says
- AI Regulation: understanding the real challenges
- AI Researchers On AI Risk
- AI, Robots, and Swarms: Issues, Questions, and Recommended Studies
- A Model of Pathways to Artificial Superintelligence Catastrophe for Risk and Decision Analysis
- An Intelligence in Our Image: The Risks of Bias and Errors in Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence and its Global Risk
- Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for Future Suffering
- Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Policy Paper
- Artificial Intelligence and Moral intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics – 2017Leveraging artificial intelligence and robotics for sustainable growth
- Artificial intelligence and the future of defense
- Artificial Intelligence and the Military
- Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk
- Artificial Intelligence: Data-driven but not without risks
- Artificial intelligence: dreams, risks and reality
- Artificial Intelligence: Global Risk and Long Term Strategy for Ending Fast Take off
- Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - The Regulatory Environment
- Artificial Intelligence Is Our Future. But Will It Save or Destroy Humanity?
- Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Risks
- Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Risks
- Artificial intelligence research, development & regulation
- Artificial Intelligence Risk - 12 Researchers Weigh in on the Dangers of Smarter Machines
- Artificial Intelligence seen as Opportunity and Threat by Financial Services
- Artificial intelligence: The future is superintelligent
- Artificial Intelligence: The Road Ahead in Low and Middle-Income Countries
- Assessing the Risk of Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence: The Way Forward for Policy and Regulation
- Benefits & Risks of Artificial Intelligence
- Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence
- Blame your robot – emerging artificial intelligence legislation
- Can AI Remain Safe as Companies Race to Develop It?
- Can Government Keep Up with Artificial Intelligence?
- Can We Properly Prepare for the Risks of Superintelligent AI?
- Coexistence with artificial intelligence: Interview with Michael A. Osborne by Masaki Fukui
- Concerns Over the Expansion of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Field
- Editorial: Risks of Artificial Intelligence
- Elon Musk’s Billion-Dollar Crusade to Stop the A.I. Apocalypse
- Elon Musk Warns Governors: Artificial Intelligence Poses 'Existential Risk'
- Ethical Artificial Intelligence
- Ethical Issues in Advanced Artificial Intelligence
- Ethics and Legal in AI: Decision Making and Moral Issues
- Exploring the risks of artificial intelligence
- Future Progress in Artificial Intelligence: A Survey of Expert Opinion
- Global Catastrophic Risks Report 2016
- Global Catastrophic Risks Report 2017
- Guidelines on Regulating Robotics
- How Can AI Learn to Be Safe?
- How to keep robot/AI under control?
- How We Can Overcome the Risks of AI
- How worried should we be about artificial intelligence? I asked 17 experts.
- How Tech Giants Are Devising Real Ethics for Artificial Intelligence
- Humans forget, machines remember: Artificial intelligence and the right to be forgotten
- IBM Is Clueless About AI Risks
- Incorporating Ethics into Artificial Intelligence
- Intelligent robots don't need to be conscious to turn against us
- Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat?
- Is Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Possible?
- “It’s Going to Kill Us!” and Other Myths About the Future of Artificial Intelligence
- Killer Robots: Moral Concerns vs. Military Advantages
- Learning to trust artificial intelligence systems: Accountability, compliance and ethics in the age of smart machines
- Leveraging the upcoming disruptions from AI and IoT
- Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark review – we are ignoring the AI apocalypse
- Limitations and Risks of Machine Ethics
- Machine Ethics and Robot Ethics
- Machines Are Getting Smarter—Now They Should Explain Themselves
- Machines without principals: Liability rules and artificial intelligence
- Minimizing global catastrophic and existential risk from emerging technologies through international law
- Moral and ethical questions for robotics public policy
- Part 1: The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence
- Part 2: The AI Revolution: Our Immortality or Extinction
- Position on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Positively shaping the development of artificial intelligence
- Potential Risks from Advanced Artificial Intelligence
- Potential Risks from Advanced Artificial Intelligence: The Philanthropic Opportunity
- Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence
- Reducing Long-Term Catastrophic Risks from Artificial Intelligence
- Rise of the machines
- Risks of general artificial intelligence
- Risks and mitigation strategies for Oracle AI
- Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Safe Artificial Intelligence May Start with Collaboration
- Safety, Unintentional Risk and Accidents in the Weaponization of Increasingly Autonomous Technologies
- Should we be worried about AI?
- Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence: Balancing Opportunity and Risk
- Standardizing Ethical Design for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems
- Taxonomy of Pathways to Dangerous Artificial Intelligence
- Tay the Racist Chatbot: Who is responsible when a machine learns to be evil?
- The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence
- The Consequences for Human Beings of Creating Ethical Robots
- The Corporatization of AI is a Major Threat to Humanity
- The dark side of AI
- The Ethical Questions Behind Artificial Intelligence
- The ethics of AI: how to stop your robot cooking your cat
- The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
- The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
- The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligence Agencies
- The Ethics of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- The Evolution of AI: Can Morality be Programmed?
- The Ethics of Super Intelligence
- The future of artificial intelligence: two experts disagree
- The future of risk: New game, new rules
- The Global Risks Report 2017
- The Good, The Bad and The Robot: Experts Are Trying to Make Machines Be “Moral”
- The impact of robotics on future societies
- The Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare
- The Real Risks of AI: Augmenting our own abilities is the best possible defense
- The real risks of artificial intelligence
- The Real Threat Posed by Powerful Computers
- The Regulation of Artificial Intelligence
- The risks and benefits of artificial intelligence and robotics
- The Role of Big Data, Machine Learning, and AI in Assessing Risks: a Regulatory Perspective
- This is what will happen when robots take over the world
- Towards a Code of Ethics in Artificial Intelligence with Paula Boddington
- Yes, We Are Worried About the Existential Risk of Artificial Intelligence
- Your Artificial Intelligence is Not Bias-Free
- We Need an AI Limitation Treaty. Now.
- We Should Be as Scared of Artificial Intelligence as Elon Musk Is
- Westworld Op-Ed: Are Conscious AI Dangerous?
- ‘What advances in robotics and artificial intelligence could impact on youth employment in South Africa?’
- What Happens When Artificial Intelligence Turns On Us?
- What the Heck Is Threatcasting?
- Why businesses need a code of ethics for use of technology
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