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Alternative Economies

Insight into Alternative Economies

Allan G. Johnson - Nonfiction author, novelist, sociologist, public speaker.

“Finding an alternative to capitalism begins with confronting the reality of the economic system we all participate in and how it shapes our lives and the planet we live on."

Stephen Hawking - Theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge.

“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

Jeremy Rifkin - Economic and social theorist, writer, public speaker, political advisor, and activist.

“No one in their wildest imagination, including economists and business people, ever imagined the possibility of a technology revolution so extreme in its productivity that it could actually reduce marginal costs to near zero, making products nearly free, abundant and absolutely no longer subject to market forces."

Tim Montgomerie - Political activist, blogger, and columnist and former comment editor for The Times.

“Capitalism is not immoral but amoral. It does what its users demand of it. It has given us a choice of food, travel and technology that kings could only dream of. It will invent whatever instruments governments and consumers want, and if not given limits, its inventiveness knows few bounds.

But arguments about the integrity of capitalism are, in the end, just diversions from the underlying weakness of our time. How do we put moral limits on big business, big government and the people who operate them? More pertinently, how do we put limits on ourselves?"

Jeremy Grantham - Investor and co-founder and chief investment strategist of Grantham, Mayo, & van Otterloo (GMO).

“People simply do not get the point that you can’t have sustainable growth forever. You can have sustainability forever, or growth for a few years. Capitalism does millions of things better than the alternatives. However, it is totally ill-equipped to deal with a small handful of issues. Unfortunately, they are the issues that are absolutely central to our long-term well-being and even survival."

Richard D. Wolff - Marxist economist, well known for his work on Marxian economics, economic methodology, and class analysis.

“Critiques of capitalism, its crises, and the inadequacy of “solutions” such as bailouts, more regulations, and austerity have matured significantly across the last five years. They increasingly include explorations and advocacy of transition from capitalism toward systemic alternatives."

Clive Menzies - Founder of the Critical Thinking project at the Free University and member of Occupy London Economics Working Group (EWG).

“Somewhere in our history we took a wrong turn and today we are reaping the consequences. If we don't step back to evaluate the root causes of the rolling economic crises, our civilisation is in danger of collapse."

Thomas H. Greco, Jr. - Community economist, who blogs, writes, and speaks on the subject of free market alternative currency and monetary systems.

“Essentially, a currency should be a credit instrument that is spent into circulation by a trusted issuer on the basis of his commitment to accept it back in payment for desired goods and services that he is ready, willing and able to deliver. A currency can be issued individually by a single issuer or jointly by a group of trusted issuers.

In the long run, I foresee localized mutual credit clearing exchanges (cooperative and transparent) being networked together to provide a system of payments that is locally controlled but globally useful."

Milton Friedman - Economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy.

“The only way that has ever been discovered to have a lot of people cooperate together voluntarily is through the free market."

Kristin Laufenberg - Intelligenthq

“Degrowth is in direct contrast to economic systems such as capitalism or sustainable growth. Degrowth, has much more in common with a post-development perspective in advocating for a fundamental transformation of society that will challenge the very notion of what an ‘economy’ is, as well as the dominant discourses which shape our perception of reality."

Maxwell Anderson - The Guaranteed Life.

“When a government takes over a people’s economic life it becomes absolute, and when it has become absolute it destroys the arts, the minds, the liberties and the meaning of the people it governs."

John Maynard Keynes - was an English economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of modern macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments.

“There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction."


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