Education Post-Covid-19
Insight into Education Post-Covid-19
Prof Jonathan Jansen - Rector and Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Free State
“In education, the virus will greatly exacerbate the inequality of learning outcomes between the minority privileged and the majority poor."
Prof Adam Habib - Vice-chancellor and principal of Wits University
“Higher education has to reimagine its teaching, partnerships and institutional architecture, and objectives, to enable the building of quality institutions and human capacity across the globe. Only with such an equitable agenda of change, both in and across nations, will we be able to address the global challenges of our time and through this build a more cohesive human community without which we will not survive as a human species."
Prof Felix Maringe - Professor of higher education and head of the Wits School of Education, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
“Leading in times of crisis goes way beyond mere adaptation of an organisation to it. It requires a strong people-first approach, a desire to connect with and not outshine others, reorganisation of the institution to face the crisis squarely and robustly and, above all, a vision that goes beyond the crisis."
Stephen L. Carter - Professor of law at Yale University
“I don’t expect the traditional classroom model to vanish in my lifetime. But right now the whole world is experimenting with a different method of instruction, and that experiment is bound to cast further doubt on how we’ve been teaching for centuries."
Gloria Tam - Associate Dean of Professional Learning and Development
“Resilience must be built into our educational systems."
Myles Thies - Director of Digital Learning Services at Eiffel Corp, an e-earning and blended learning specialist
“Once the COVID-19 crisis is over, the face of digital education will change forever. Decision-making around providing stable and quality-driven access and productivity to support remote learning and working will be pushed to the top of the list."
Audrey Azoulay - UNESCO Director-General
“Never before have we witnessed educational disruption at this scale. Partnership is the only way forward. This Coalition is a call for coordinated and innovative action to unlock solutions that will not only support learners and teachers now, but through the recovery process and in the longer term, with a principle focus on inclusion and equity."
Dr Ashley Smyth - Academic Dean of SACAP
“While the global higher education picture is alarming, it is not all bad. The emergence of COVID-19 also heralds an underlying excitement for changes that will see learners and solution providers truly embracing the ‘learning anywhere, anytime’ concept of digital education in a range of formats. The physical classroom environment will likely return at some point, but not the same as before. Exciting options for a blended approach to learning utilising both face-to-face faculty expertise with virtual resources, that only a year ago was not even dreamed of, is a likely transformative scenario."
Carl Badenhorst - Head of Learning Design and Online Teaching at SACAP
“Some have hailed this as the age of online learning but I don’t think it’s ever useful to dichotomise teaching and learning in this way. Misperceptions run deep, from the ideas of ‘going to class’ and attendance as a measure of learning through to equating the adoption of technology with ‘how-to’ guides. I think it may be presumptuous to make predictions at this stage, but what we should see is educators who start to see that learning innovation is about learning innovation and not about technology. This context is forcing us to be far more intentional about teaching and learning and to realise the extreme limitations that four walls can and do have on teaching and learning."
Craig Vezina - Executive director of Z-17
“To borrow from an old Chinese proverb: "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today." It is no secret that traditional conception of "school" has been begging for a re-think for many decades. Could now be the inflection point so many have been waiting for?"
Charles Thornburgh - Veteran education technology CEO
“The future of education will see more peer-to-peer mentoring and adaptive learning."
Flower Darby - Director of teaching for student success at Northern Arizona University
“Good online courses do not have to be high-tech. You can be fully asynchronous and fully low-tech and still have quality learning."
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