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While global media fuss over aborted bus tours and other Alaskan seismic events, or the ground strokes of the little Scottish tennis player who could and other Athenian melodramas, some remembered to report on events in Africa. These quotes caught our eyes, and we've included them in our selection for July Talk-@-ive...


We, the people.

"It is we, the people, that will have to decide the nature of the country, of the union we really want to forge."

Niyi Osundare, Distinguished Professor of English at New Orleans University, comments on the recent elections in Nigeria and the political landscape of Africa's most populous country during a visit to his birth country.


Michelle ObamaNo magic dust.

"Getting into a school like this isn't some kind of magical process. There is no magic dust that helps students succeed. Nowadays it is really about how hard you are willing to work."

Michelle Obama speaks to scholars and university students in Cape Town, during her trip to South Africa.



Margot WallstromAnd while experts tell the world that Afghanistan is the worst place for women and girls.

"It is a continuing pattern of ill-discipline on the part of those who bear arms."

Margot Wallstrom, the United Nations' special representative on combating sexual violence in conflict, comments on yet another report of mass rapes in Fizi, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, allegedly perpetrated by armed deserters from Pareco, a rebel militia group under the 'command' of Colonel Kifaru Niragiye.


"We can no longer go back to these people, look them in the eye and tell them that the scheme is working to protect their interests, when it is not."

Aminata Kelly-Lamin of the Network Movement for Justice and Development speaks after a walk-out of civil society and human rights organisations protesting against the decision by the Kimberely Process Certification Scheme to allow Zimbabwe to 'conditionally' export diamonds from Marange fields.



Not quite the transfer season the Colonel had hoped for.

"I am telling Colonel Gaddafi to leave us alone and allow us to create a free Libya."

Libya's goalkeeper Juma Gtat speaks after he and sixteen others from leading Libyan football teams defect to the rebel, delivering a propaganda blow to You Know Who, or so suggests the BBC.

Kader AsmalHamba kahle.

"He terrorised us into activity."

An unnamed public service official speaks about working for the Bee, nickname of the energetic Professor Kader Asmal, who died on 22 June 2011 of a heart attack at the age of 76 in South Africa. Kader Asmal was a politician, lawyer, academic, anti-apartheid activist and an outspoken critic of populist leaders, militarisation of the police services and suppression of hard-won media freedom. He will be missed.



Kulula jetKeeping the elephants on their toes.

"Fliers hope that spunky new budget airlines, such as Arik Air in Nigeria, Fly540 in Kenya and 1Time in South Africa, will keep Africa’s elephants on their toes."

The Economist describes the state of aviation in Africa, suggesting that intra-continental flying is getting easier and, dare we hope, cheaper as the budget airlines give the big players, like SAA and Ethiopia Air, a run for their money.


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