Women II
Insight into Women
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka - Executive Director of UN Women with the rank of Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations.
“We will accept nothing less than a 50-50 planet." Together, we can make 2030 an expiry date for gender inequality."
Wambui Kinya - Chief Strategy Officer at Andela
“A lot more still needs to be done in solidarity for what is right in equity and parity but if that does not inspire, hopefully the untapped potential to enhance innovation and growth by including the gender that comprises the largest population of the consumer base does. Let’s see how we can work together to accelerate what is possible."
Divine Ndhlukula - Founder and Managing Director of DDNS Security Operations Ltd
“My advice to women all the time is: If you want a certain future, go out and create it. Conquer your fears as that is what enslaves most women."
Malala Yousafzai - Activist & 2014 Nobel prize winner
“We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back."
Lorna Rutto - Author and Institute for the Future fellow
“Kenyan eco-preneur and founder of EcoPost, a social enterprise created in response to the need to find alternative waste management solutions to Kenya's huge plastic waste problem."
Emma Kaye - Founder and CEO of Bozza, a plug & play solution for African musicians, poets & film makers to promote and sell their digital content.
“In my experience, women tend to create a collective around them and then it is ‘let’s go into battle together’. For me, it is this type of collaborative, collective thinking that is useful in this industry, an industry full of innovation. "
G.D. Anderson - Author
“Feminism isn't about making women strong. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength."
Dawn Smith - Executive vice president and chief legal officer of McAfee
“Unconscious biases are so deep inside of us. Unless we identify them and talk about them they are not going to change."
Kate Bornstein - Author and gender theorist
“If there’s a leading edge that is the future of gender, it’s going to be one that understands that gender is relative to context. Geography, religion, and family attitudes are all contextual factors that can alter one’s perception of gender as a determinant of identity. As long as we hold onto the notion that gender is a constant, we’ll keep doing things to keep the lie in place. It doesn’t stand on its own, and is always relative to something."
Sheryl Sandberg - COO Facebook
“In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders."
Pierre Nanterme - Chairman & CEO Accenture
“Digital fluency also enables greater work flexibility—an amenity that workers value and companies are now providing. While men and women alike are liberated by the balance that work flexibility affords, women appear to derive greater value from it.
Getting on the right side of the digital fluency gap can change the picture for women—and their countries—in dramatic ways.
If governments and businesses can double the pace at which women become digitally fluent, we could reach gender equality in the workplace by 2040 in developed nations and by 2060 in developing nations."
Also see: Gender Equality Talk-@tive
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