Climate Action II
African leaders act now on climate change and save us from its worst impacts
by Tim Mugerwa - President of the African Youth Union
Dear African Leaders,
It is an open secret that Africa is most severely affected by global challenges. The scourges of poverty, disease, youth unemployment, hunger and famine have framed a common narrative of the African continent as a site of catastrophe and immense human suffering. This is further exacerbated by almost barren policies on climate change and its consequences for the continent. Why are we stuck with policies that have failed our planet?
The effects of climate change are already threatening our nations. Our lovely communities, beautiful flora, fauna, cultures and families are of great value to us and a safe climate future can help us maintain their value. As you already know, Africa has the youngest population in the world, which puts their future at a bigger risk if climate change is not urgently addressed.
There are natural causes of climate change that we can hardly do anything about, but we have the power to address human-induced climate change beyond politics. Everything in Africa is at stake and requires collective action. Like we united against slave trade, colonialism and apartheid, let us also unite against climate change.
I appreciate some of the beautiful policies formulated to address climate change, but implementation remains a very big challenge. Your commitment during the day looks good but its quality fades at night. We always wake up when parts of our rain forests have disappeared, yet during the day you encourage us to plant trees and your policies on paper emphasize afforestation and reforestation. In many parts of Africa thick forests are now becoming extinct, and many of the individuals involved are not prosecuted. This truly makes one wonder about the interests that are entrenched in the clearing of forests and whether there is sufficient political will to challenge these interests. The key question here is: Who gives license or authority to investors to clear forests and wetlands? This is an absolute injustice to future generations.
In some of our countries, mining is done anywhere regardless of the impact it has on the neighboring communities. Authority of issuing mining licenses from the department of environment is being shifted to other departments to avoid meeting the criteria. Yes, we need our economies to thrive, but not at the expense of our lives.
Your actions today, together with the policies you formulate, will determine the type of world today’s children and youth will live in. Your present is our future.
Dear leaders: Climate change presents us with a watershed moment to fight for a common cause; this is a cause we can all believe in. It is the only cause that supersedes race, colour, creed, religion, nation, status, political belief or ego. This is a cause to fight for our collective survival on our beautiful continent and the only planet we all call home.
We need peace in Africa, but Africa cannot be at peace with its people when climate change is displacing people and when young Africans are uncertain of their future due to the threats posed by climate change.
Please Leaders, climate change is real, it also requires real policies and actions. Young African people have started uniting against climate change through different initiatives such as the AYU Green Campaign pioneered by the African Youth Union. Young people need your consent, your willingness and support to mitigate the abovementioned threats. We need you to truly unite against climate change.
Thank you
Tim Mugerwa
President and Researcher: African Youth Union
Read more about Tim and his view on being a futurist
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